no rules, no limitations, no boundaries it's like an art
Tags: ajpscs japan nippon 日本 japanese 東京 tokyo nikon D100 street street photography big family mercies loving kindness the needy and the poor godly righteous life blameless peaceful mercy life peace health salvation hope righteousness enlighten
© All Rights Reserved
no rules, no limitations, no boundaries it's like an art
All Rights Reserved by ajpscs
Tags: affection ajpscs Bulgarian: Bezplatni pregrudki cherish cling D100 express free hugs campaign German: Gratis Knuddel, Gratis Umarmung harajuku Hebrew: חיבוקים חינם hold HUG A STRANGER Hungarian: Ingyen ölelés Italian: Abbracci Gratis Japan japanese Japanese: フリーハグズ Juan Mann Luxembourgish: Gratis Emarmung Malay: Pelukan Percuma Nikon nippon Norwegian: Gratis Klemmer-Gratis Koser one's arms Papiamento: Brasa Gratis Photography Polish: Darmowe Przytulanie Portuguese: Abraços grátis Russian: объятия — бесплатно Slovak: Objatie zadarmo someone Spanish: Abrazos gratis squeeze Street Swedish: Gratis Kramar Tokyo 日本 東京
© All Rights Reserved
no rules, no limitations, no boundaries it's like an art
dear friends
Im ending year 2006 with this photo
so let me wish everybody
a real PEACE
a real LOVE
a real JOY
this Holiday Seasons and ALWAYS....
Tags: ajpscs japan nippon 日本 japanese 東京 tokyo nikon D100 street street photography orange sun life so beautiful 2006 christmas last photo thank you dress different think different stand-out nikonstunninggallery walker crosswalk pedestrian along a road yukata drum smile Travelerphotos
© All Rights Reserved
no rules, no limitations, no boundaries it's like an art
Tags: ajpscs japan nippon 日本 japanese 東京 tokyo nikon D100 street street photography monokuro black &white blk&wht b&w daring or nothing now and then uncluttered and at peace be content just breathe live simply work honestly do what you enjoy life made it simple space is not something to be filled died empty
© All Rights Reserved
no rules, no limitations, no boundaries it's like an art
Tags: ajpscs japan nippon 日本 japanese 東京 tokyo shinjuku nikon D100 street street photography monokuro black & white blk&wht b&w generally accessible convenience store konbini (in japanese) bentō lunch box
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