c/n 9551
Built 2020
Seen departing on flight BA728 / BAW728 to Geneva
London Heathrow Airport, UK
19th March 2022
Operated by the Alcyon Flying Group.
In genuine French Navy markings as '143'.
c/n 143.
On static display at the 2011 Waddington Airshow.
c/n 6185.
Built as a UC-78B for the US military with the serial 43-32247. Registered as N78UC on 10th April 1957.
Currently privately owned but on display as part of the 1940 Air Terminal Museum.
Houston Hobby Airport, Texas, United States.
18th March 2017
c/n 740809
First generation MiG-21 day-fighter. Given the NATO codename ‘Fishbed-C’.
On outside display at the Muzeum Lotnictwa Polskiego.
Krakow, Poland.
c/n 208B-0710.
Built 1996.
Previously registered in Panama as HP-1358APP and then in Costa Rica as TI-BAN.
Now operated by 'Aerodynamics' and based in the UK for paradropping.
Seen here launching for another drop from Sibson Airfield, Cambs, UK.