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User / AlaskaFreezeFrame
Gary Lackie / 1,970 items

N 1.0K B 42.0K C 210 E Feb 12, 2022 F Feb 14, 2022
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I always have preferred the Interior Grizzlies to the Coastal Browns.
Mostly, because they are usually dry and not dripping wet.
I like the way their coat looks when it is dry and fluffy.
Also, I really like the Blond coloration that so many of the Interior Grizzlies have.
Shot near Savage River in mid September, using my 400mm F2.8 Canon Lens on a Gitzo Tele Studex tripod.
This Grizzly was definitely giving me the "eye" as it walked by.

Tags:   Grizzly Brown Bear Grizzly Bear Bears Bruin Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Outdoors Wildlife Nature Dangerous Ursus arctos horriblis Mammal Carnivore Omnivore Moss Fall Claws Canon Telephoto Powerful Beautiful Magnificent 400mm F2.8 Lens Velvia Scanned Slide Camping Tent Closeup Portrait Trees Woods Tundra Toklat Grizzly Fall Colors Interior Grizzly September Willows Alders Tripod Explore In Explore

N 110 B 3.0K C 27 E Jun 2, 2016 F Feb 13, 2021
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This is one of the two moose calves that the mom was letting me work with that day.
When they separate, you have to be especially alert and also keep track of what mom is doing.
How is she reacting to your movements. Is she okay with you getting so close to her calf.
Whatever you do, don't spook the calf. Because her mood can change in a split second.
By the time I took this shot, I had been working with mom and her two calves for about 1 1/2 hours.
The only time she got a little upset, was when another mom with a calf showed up. She chased them off and went back to feeding.
Camera Settings: f/4.5 - 1/320 - 280mm - ISO 1250

Tags:   Moose Calves Moose Calves Cute Canon Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Anchorage Nature Outdoors Wildlife 70-200mm Mammals Herbivore Spring Summer Plants Flowers Adorable Grass Closeup Portrait Feeding Baby Moose Calf Moose Calf Telephoto

N 838 B 46.1K C 110 E May 17, 2020 F May 22, 2020
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Calves often touch noses with their mom. I think it helps reassure them that she is there and close.
Calf was two days old at the time I took this shot.

Camera Settings: f/4.5 - 1/320 - 235mm - ISO 640

Tags:   Moose Calves Moose Calves Cute Canon Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Anchorage Nature Outdoors Wildlife 70-200mm Mammals Herbivore Baby Babies Spring Closeup Portrait Beautiful Curious Moose Calf Adorable Explore In Explore

N 591 B 65.1K C 74 E May 1, 2020 F May 1, 2020
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Found this shot the other day. It goes back quite a few years. It is scanned from an old slide. The scan could be better. I need to get it rescanned. But, it is a pretty scenic shot of a huge Denali Bull and I thought it would be fun to share it.
Was shooting Velvia back then.
I learned something important that day. If you got a great spot you are shooting from, don't let your friend talk you into moving so he can get a few shots. I had just finished a roll of film and my "friend" asked if he could just step into my spot while I changed rolls. I said okay, but, be quick. I was pretty fast at changing rolls of film back then. I got a new roll in the camera and he, my "friend" wouldn't give up the spot.
Kept saying, just one more shot. This went on for more then 5 minutes. Finally, he said okay and moved. But, by then the bull had turned and was leaving.
Some "friend"!
So, I never did get the shot I wanted. Had to settle for this! ;-)

Tags:   Moose Bull Canon Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Anchorage Nature Outdoors Wildlife 70-200mm Mammals Herbivore Antlers Animals Fall Trees Plants Rut Dangerous Velvet Telephoto Tripod Bull Moose Denali Denali National Park Autumn Tundra Fall Color Scenic Spruce Mountains Beautiful Huge Explore In Explore

N 141 B 8.2K C 43 E Mar 27, 2020 F Apr 2, 2020
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I was kneeling about 15-20 feet away from her taking as many shots as I could and she just laid her head down and dozed off. So, very cool! So, wonderful when a wild animal trusts you that much. She often has her tongue sticking out just a bit. That and she licks her nose on a regular basis. I think that little tongue sticking out is pretty cute. The first time I got a shot of her doing it, I was thinking that was luck. Now, I notice that it shows up in a lot of my shots.
The river has finally started to thaw enough for her to get to the water. She was eating a lot of snow. She did scare me on this day, as the little open area (size of a dinner plate) that she was drinking at collapsed, as she was returning to it later that morning. An area about 5 feet across just dropped. She is quick on her feet and jumped back in time. My first thought was, that I was glad she was okay and that I didn't have to go and try to save her. That might not have worked too good. She trusts me, but, maybe not that much.
I saw 4 fox on this day, all in one spot and all at the same time. There was a lot of vocalizing going on and one pretty aggressive fight between her and another fox. The males are still hanging around.
It is snowing today, so, will be staying home.
I did visit her 6 days in a row this last week.
She is starting to shed her winter coat.
Stay Safe out there.
Remember: "This Too Shall Pass!"

Camera Settings: f/5 - 1/400 - 280mm - ISO 640

Tags:   Napping Closeup Portrait Sleeping Fox Red Fox Vixen Cute Nature Wildlife Outdoors Canon Telephoto Alaska AlaskaFreezeFrame Animals Mammals Carnivore Predator Zorro Sly Snow Frost Winter Renard 70-200mm Posing Canid Canidae Mammal Beautiful Pretty Trust
