Tags: Robin Erithacus rubecula fledgling Garden South Tottenham London Nikon Df M Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G Special Edition
A pair of Robins in our garden, which is unusual because they are territorial; but these have paired up to make a nest in our wall pocket which currently has four babies (see comment below). As you can see they are familiar with us as we give them food every day.
They fledged yesterday ! (see comment below)
The bird feeder is available at Red Hare Ceramics
Tags: Robin Robin Redbreast Erithacus rubecula garden Tottenham London Nikon Df Zoom-Nikkor 100-300mm f/5.6 Ai-S manual focus lens
Bird feeders available at Red Hare Ceramics
Tags: Sparrow House Sparrow Passer domesticus Red Hare Ceramics garden Tottenham London Nikon Df Zoom-Nikkor 100-300mm f/5.6 Ai-S manual focus lens
Tags: Robin Robin Redbreast Erithacus rubecula garden Tottenham London Nikon Df Zoom-Nikkor 100-300mm f/5.6 Ai-S manual focus lens
Tags: Great Tit Parus major Nikon Df Zoom-Nikkor 100-300mm f/5.6 Ai-S manual focus lens