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User / All Seeing
Your Favorite Bencher's Favorite Bencher / 127,765 items

N 76 B 23.1K C 201 E Jan 2, 2010 F Jan 2, 2010
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At It's Worst

Tags:   erabik erabiq mfk twist twister twisto twisted twitone twistones thr thehabitualritual meta unionmade pvc provandalscrew goldenwestservice sp erabikisafaggotname-lovetowelnbb

N 58 B 3.2K C 27 E Jan 12, 2009 F Jan 15, 2009
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Tags:   musk girafa tbtk ln4f longneck4life sou southern graffiti railart

N 44 B 5.1K C 33 E Nov 21, 2009 F Nov 30, 2009
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I'm usually up on graff beef, but this here's an odd one. Anyone care to share the going's on?!

Tags:   bkat beef bobkat bcat bobcat ftl lib csaw hcm kerse bym kersebtm cz ceze rth upc adk theduck mkue mque mq wanto bne ttx tbox graffiti allseeing

N 33 B 4.3K C 48 E Aug 8, 2009 F Nov 11, 2009
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Tags:   ichabod ich yme whyme itd bmc .63 63c cottonbelt graffiti allseeing cakey cakers cakeys hr

N 63 B 10.5K C 115 E Jun 22, 2011 F Jul 1, 2011
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Much has been made in the last 24-hours about exactly what the role of a...well, "Bencher" is to the graff culture. Many opinions were shared, and unfortunately none of them accurately portrayed how essential a role we play in the day to day documentation of the art. I know that the negative comments of a few fail to accurately portray the acute attention to detail and flat out skill it takes to capture a train panel properly. What I heard was a scathing indictment of not only casual point-and-shooters, but trained photographers like myself as well. I heard things like "you're nobodies", "my trains would still be seen without your help", "no skill", "in it for the fame"...so on and so forth. Truth is, I've not once before today had members of OUR culture bemoan the virtues of what we bring to the table as fellow artists. To deny the fact that what we do, albeit well, is an art in and of itself is to deny one's own gifts, talents and abilities. I've heard time over "thank you", and receive said words like a gift everytime. I'm a bit taken aback by the gross lack of defense taken by my fellow benchers as venom was spewed forth, as it served as an affront not only on myself, but you as well. While others seeked to sully our necessary contributions to the life of graffiti, your lack of empathy and deafening silence was unfortunate. The term 'drysnitching' was also strewn about loosely, and in poor taste. Let the record show that those of whom used that term also have posted personal items in their streams showing reporting marks of the panels they painted. As such, EVERYONE then is guilty of drysnitching lest on themselves than others, Let me make this clear. I am not immune to the allure of profile views anymore than a writer is to gaining international fame. However, if in the event you take issue with me personally and my talents, then feel free to exit my stream now never to return. I will continue being the best photographer God Himself has blessed me to be, and as always appreciate all the love and support shown by you these past few years on Flickr. Peace to all..

Tags:   All Nation GTL RBOX Railbox ant team graffiti graff freight train art

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