When I was a much younger diecast geek back in the very late 80's and well into the 90's my holidays to Spain would involve picking up several domestic brands such as Guisval, Mira, Guiloy, Gissima etc but these days most of these toy companies have long gone with only Guisval flying the flag. These days you are more likely to find cheapo Chinese brands like Feisu in the souvenir shops especially the many Chinese bazaars. Quality isn't too high on the agenda here but this little truck is available in a myriad of different colours and liveries to collect even if most of them make absolutely no sense word wise! Unlicensed but almost certainly based on an International Durastar its pretty well cast with enough painted detailing to make it believable. One of a few bought on my recent trip to Sitges. Mint and boxed.
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