Greenbrier International Inc. I BELIEVE is an American or Canadian based importer of cheap toys which can usually be found in discount stores on that continent. Whether they actual produce any of these toys themselves is dabatable, I do know some Suntoys manufactured diecasts can often be found with the Greenbrier name on the packaging so its probably safe to assume this crude model wasn't made specifically for them. It does however have the Greenbrier name on the packaging and printed on the baseplate which is why i've identified them as such for cataloguing purposes.
Its a typical low end unlicensed casting which is probably more 1/55 in scale so rather chunky and is I believe meant to represent an Aston Martin One-77, a car so beloved of the Chinese toy industry. Crude of course but does have painted lights front and rear and those superior looking alloy effect wheels which even have soft rubber tyres too.
Found recently in the famous Bridlington branch of Goodwins.
Mint and boxed.
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