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After weeks, nay
months of prevaricating Skyrim is uninstalled, tens of gigs of data trashed*, CCleaner has worked its magic and O&O is running to try to painfully make sense of my HDD in preparation for The Great Skyrim Reinstall of 2013™.
I'm ditching the TPC, because it hasn't been updated in some time and there are issues with missing textures, purple trees, distressed puppies.... Browsing through the latest version of STEP is making me excited about the various new texture mods that have been released since I last did this (November, or December, I forget) -- Re-Defined Dungeons ermahgerd; etc. -- and it's also encouraging me in not-so-subtle ways to use Wrye Bash for installation and organisation. This scares me, but they have a pretty comprehensive guide over there on how to use it specifically with a STEP set-up... nothing ventured, eh?
*I backed up my downloaded mods folders, just in case.