Window by Hardman's c1890 in the north chapel depicting the Presentation in the Temple.
St Bartholomew's is Edgbaston's ancient parish church, dating back to medieval times when this was a mere village, rather than a suburb of Birmingham's sprawling mass.
Very little of the medieval building survives, prinicpally the 14th century base of the tower and some of the (re-used) stonework in the north wall, otherwise the church has been entirely rebuilt, the top of the tower dates from the 17th century rebuilding following Civil War damage, whilst the remainder is 19th century enlargement (including two south aisles), mostly by J.A.Chatwin in the 1880s, in a form reminiscent of late medieval town churches.
This was clearly a wealthy parish with several wall tablets and most of the windows filled with Victorian stained glass, much of it by the local studio of John Hardmans.
The church is normally locked but opened on select afternoons, luckily I was passing by on one of them.
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