No snow, not much of anything, so resorting to photos from the archives.
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Tags: iris purple flower spring bokeh
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...since I was a lad, the trees have more or less obscured the classic views, which of course is to be welcomed, but winter reveals this pano of the multi story housing, which is fairly unique (can you actually say that??? )
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Eskdale Needle on Hard knott
Lake DIstrict, Feb 2025.
Tags: Lake District Landscape Eskdale
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Driving home somewhere between Tyndrum and Loch Lomond I spotted this view and thought I'd pull over to grab a shot. Missed the best of light but maybe worth the snap.
Scotland, UK
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Most will have heard of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, without necessarily realising that he wasn't the leader, nor that the plot was hatched here in Northamptonshire.
The Manor House at Ashby St Ledgers was the home of the Catesby family, and it was in the white room above the Gatehouse that Robert Catesby, his servant Thomas Bates and the other Catholic conspirators - including Guy Fawkes - met to organise the infamous Gunpowder Plot in 1605.
The plan was to blow up the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament on 5 November 1605 to assassinate the Protestant King James I and his government, and reintroduce Catholicism. This had been banned initially by King Henry VIII after the split with the Catholic Church. It was then banned again after his Catholic daughter Queen Mary, who had reintroduced it, died in 1558.
Guy Fawkes, whose job was to ignite the barrels of gunpowder which had been secreted in the cellars below Parliament, was apprehended before he could complete his task. Most of the conspirators fled from London as they learned of the plot's discovery, and several - including Catesby - were killed when they made a stand at Holbeche House near Dudley.
At their trial on 27 January 1606, eight of the survivors, including Fawkes, were convicted and sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Fawkes leapt from the scaffold to break his own neck as he was in the process of being partially hanged. A grisly end would have followed.
Tags: Gunpowder Plot Ashby St Ledgers Northamptonshire Guy Fawkes
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