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User / Andysea1
Andy Ermolli / 402 items

N 16 B 5.5K C 3 E Sep 14, 2013 F Sep 14, 2013
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WIde field of M45.
About 4 or of luminance plus 1 hr of RGB taken with the Canon 200mm f2.8L fully open at f2.8.
The dust is starting to show up.
Smarteq pro again.
QSI583Ws + Astrodon filters
Lodestar guiding
Robofocus+usb-focus focusing.
Processed entirely with Pixinsight as usual.

N 6 B 4.8K C 4 E Jul 28, 2012 F Aug 21, 2012
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The TOA 130 sitting quietly on the NJP waiting for sunset. The TOA almost looks small on this mount! Notice the very high tech solution to prop up the north leg.....necessary trick to polar align this mount at our northerly latitude :)

N 3 B 3.0K C 1 E Aug 2, 2014 F Aug 2, 2014
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This field shows the edge on Galaxy NGC5907 on the right. At the top left corner NGG5908 and NGC 5905 and at the bottom of the frame NGC5866B. All int the constellation of Draco. This is a quick process of the Luminance. I will refine once RGB is added.

N 5 B 2.9K C 6 E Jan 14, 2013 F Jan 14, 2013
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IC443 the jellyfish nebula.
QSI583ws with Canon 400 f5.6 on AP Mach1. about 4 hours total of integration time. Luminance shot through Astrodon 3nm Ha filter.

Tags:   Astrometrydotnet:version=14400 Astrometrydotnet:id=alpha-201301-79368014 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved

N 5 B 3.0K C 2 E Jun 3, 2014 F Jun 3, 2014
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I definitely need more focal length and more aperture for this target but I wanted to see what I could get with the TOA+extender.
I think it will be usable for medium to small galaxies.

(24) 20min L 1x1
(4) ea 15min RGB 1x1

TOA130+1.6 extender

I think the focus on the red channel was slightly off.
