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User / Anirudh Koul / Sets / Bunch Of Yahoos
Anirudh Koul / 5 items

N 0 B 1.3K C 6 E Sep 6, 2008 F Sep 8, 2008
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To be read in the stylings of Cyndi Lauper. Taken at the Yahoo Family Day at La Ronde amusement park in Montreal, Canada

Tags:   yahoo yahoos montreal quebec canada anirudh koul connie america david

N 1 B 3.5K C 5 E Sep 6, 2008 F Sep 8, 2008
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Yahoos onboard a splashing adventure. Taken at the Yahoo Family Day at La Ronde amusement park in Montreal, Canada.

If you look closely, the water waves and the steel rail make a pretty good 'Y' sign.

Tags:   yahoo yahoos boat water splash splashing montreal quebec canada

N 0 B 1.3K C 0 E May 30, 2008 F Sep 8, 2008
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Madame America and Monsieur Prexie

Tags:   yahoo yahoos

N 79 B 68.5K C 46 E May 9, 2008 F May 25, 2008
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Hope the Aztec Gods don't see this picture.

During a trip to Mexico, the Yahoo gang went over to the Pyramid Of The Sun, the third largest pyramid in the world. The slope of the stairs along the giant monument is exactly 45 degrees - Total height = 233.5 feet while total steps = 235. Now that's called engineering!

Funny thing is, while returning back, the radio started playing 'Jump' from Van Halen. And then a week later, I saw Kanye West perform 'Touch The Sky'

Tags:   pyramid Pyramid Of The Sun rafael mexico Teotihuacan Avenue of the Dead aztec civilization evolution Van Halen Kanye West Touch The Sky tail gonzalo_ar jump jumping happy expression in the air kanye west van halen gonzalo creative_commons

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Apparenty, this is the only place in the world where Yahoos Yodel and Googlers Google at a proximity of 10 meters.

Tags:   montreal yahoo google le1000 search engines search engines
