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User / Anirudh Koul / Sets / AC DC Concert Montreal Photos
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N 77 B 82.5K C 23 E Aug 1, 2009 F Aug 9, 2009
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ACDC Concert Stage in Montreal (Olympic Stadium) on 8th August, 2009 (Black Ice Tour). This definitely was one of the most colorful concert stage lighting I have seen. Nearing the color of this stage would have to be Genesis (with Phil Collins) and Bon Jovi.

Apart from the music (which I don't even need to mention), ACDC introduced quiet a bit of technical lead over other concerts. CGI animations at the starting, crashing a whole steam locomotive on the concert stage and then a 6 story long giant inflatable doll riding that locomotive, firing artillery canons, giant bells, speakers with giant glowing red horns. To get the scale of audience, there were 46 giant speakers alone for the audience seated in the balcony. After all, that's what happens when a classic band like AC/DC performs - pulling a crowd of around 53,000 people to the venue. No wonder they had to rent the Olympic Stadium.

I was barely able to see AC DC from my location initially, all I could see was hands of thousands and thousands of hands making the 'Sign of the horns' and blocking my view. The crowd in my section then stood up on their seats, so the situation became a much better. Later, I folded some paper and put it under the seat legs, giving some extra visibility. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention.

For more photos, check out AC/DC Montreal Concert

Check out Concert Stage (album) for more Concert Stage shots.

---- AC/DC Concert Set List in Montreal (Canadian Leg of the tour includes Moncton, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto) ----
Rock N Roll Train, Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be, Back In Black, Big Jack,
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, Shot Down In Flames, Thunderstruck, Black Ice,
The Jack, Hells Bells, Shoot To Thrill, War Machine, Dog Eat Dog, Anything Goes,
You Shook Me All Night Long, T.N.T., Whole Lotta Rosie, Let There Be Rock
Highway To Hell, For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)

Tags:   ACDC concert Montreal rock roll rock n roll Olympic Stadium Olympic Stadium ac dc montreal lastfm:event=1020930 upcoming:event=4129927 Black ice black ice black ice tour tour review stage concert stage stage concert

N 1 B 5.2K C 1 E Aug 8, 2009 F Aug 9, 2009
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ACDC Concert in Montreal (Olympic Stadium) on 8th August, 2009 (Black Ice Tour). Brian Johnson kept the the roaring crowd on its feet, specially during AC/DC signature classics like 'You Shook Me All Night Long', 'Back in Black' and 'Highway to Hell'.

For more photos, check out AC/DC Montreal Concert

Tags:   ACDC Brian Johnson concert Brian Johnson Montreal rock roll rock n roll Olympic Stadium Olympic Stadium ac dc montreal lastfm:event=1020930 upcoming:event=4129927 Black ice black ice black ice tour tour

N 7 B 16.5K C 3 E Aug 8, 2009 F Aug 9, 2009
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ACDC Concert in Montreal (Olympic Stadium) on 8th August, 2009 (Black Ice Tour). When AC/DC says "Runaway Train", I didn't think they will crash a whole steam locomotive on the concert stage. And that too with red glowing horns. Brilliant!

For more photos, check out AC/DC Montreal Concert

Tags:   ACDC concert Montreal rock roll rock n roll Olympic Stadium Olympic Stadium ac dc montreal lastfm:event=1020930 upcoming:event=4129927 Black ice black ice black ice tour tour

N 12 B 14.4K C 10 E Aug 8, 2009 F Aug 9, 2009
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ACDC Concert Crowd in Montreal (Olympic Stadium) on 8th August, 2009 (Black Ice Tour).

The love for Claustrophobe never ends!

For more photos, check out AC/DC Montreal Concert

Tags:   ACDC concert Montreal rock roll rock n roll Olympic Stadium Olympic Stadium ac dc montreal lastfm:event=1020930 upcoming:event=4129927 Black ice black ice black ice tour tour

N 2 B 5.7K C 2 E Aug 8, 2009 F Aug 9, 2009
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ACDC Concert in Montreal (Olympic Stadium) on 8th August, 2009 (Black Ice Tour). Angus Young playing with a single hand during the extended solo on 'Let There Be Rock'.

For more photos, check out AC/DC Montreal Concert

Tags:   ACDC Angus Young concert Angus Young Montreal rock roll rock n roll Olympic Stadium Olympic Stadium ac dc montreal lastfm:event=1020930 upcoming:event=4129927 Black ice black ice black ice tour tour
