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User / Anirudh Koul / Sets / Founders at Carnegie Mellon
Anirudh Koul / 6 items

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Vint Cerf - well regarded as 'Father of Internet' at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) on Nov 18, 2011

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Founder of the Lycos (the first Internet Search Engine) - Michael "Fuzzy" Mauldin at Carnegie Mellon University on Nov 18th, 2011.

Michael (of Fuzzy) created the Lycos search engine while working as a faculty member at the LTI at Carnegie Mellon. At one point, 60% of the entire university bandwidth was consumed in serving traffic for Lycos. On receiving the patent, Fuzzy tattooed the spider with patent number on his arm.

Tags:   Lycos CMU Michael Mauldin Fuzzy Michael Mauldin Carnegie Mellon University luokhdurina

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Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder during his visit at Carnegie Mellon University. The tickets sold out faster than President Barack Obama's visit. And a Carnegie Mellon student asked a question in Perl!

Approximately 60 out of the 700 strong technical minds at Facebook are graduates from Carnegie Mellon University. Apart from CMU, Mark Zuckerberg visited Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) . during his east coast college tour. The event was open to an invitation only audience.

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Reddit, Hipmunk and BreadPig founder Alexis Ohanian with the Reddit Alien at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh on April 11th, 2011. The visionary gave a talk on 'Lessons Learned from Startups with Cute Mascots'. Big thanks to the Carnegie Mellon Activity Board for organizing the event.

More photos and videos from the event : Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian at Carnegie Mellon University

Tags:   Reddit CMU Alexis Ohanian Alexis Ohanian Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh

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David Ferrucci, Principal Investigator, DeepQA/Watson project delivering the Keynote speech at Carnegie Mellon University on March 30th, 2011.

More photos and Videos of IBM Watson in the following set : IBM Watson plays at Carnegie Mellon University

Tags:   IBM Watson Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh Carnegie Mellon University University of Pittsburgh CMU UPitt
