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User / annkelliott / Straw flower
Anne Elliott / 25,094 items
These five photos are more or less the last images to post from my drive on 8 August 2022. Total drive was 462 km and took roughly 9 and a half hours.

On 8 August 2022, it was the first time I had been out anywhere since 28 July. I wasn't sure which direction I would end up travelling, but I knew that my outing was going to start with breakfast at the Saskatoon Farm. Because I can only eat (barely) on one side of my mouth, I reckoned that I would be able to manage an omelette and creamy hash-browns. It has now been three and a half weeks since I was able to eat a 'proper' meal - yikes! On 10 August, I had another dental appointment, to finish the work on this root canal. Then, yesterday, 11 August, I had to go back again, as the tooth was too high and I couldn't eat. My dentist had said to let him know if this was the case - it was a really complicated root canal. Also, I noticed this week that one of my top front teeth is chipped. This was repaired last (?) year, but the huge metal equipment that needed to be placed in my mouth a week ago must have caught the corner of the tooth. How I thank Pies Plus Cafe and Forage Foods specialty take-out store for their tubs of delicious soups that have kept me going!

Our heat wave continues! It got up to 32C when I was on my drive. This week and next week are going to be really hot, too. So many people were at the Saskatoon Farm, many no doubt for the U-Pick of Saskatoon berries. Far too many people for my liking, except in the indoor dining room, where there is plenty of room I quickly photographed several flowers in the garden and then left the Farm to continue my drive.

Headed south to Frank Lake, but didn't drive into the area. Instead, I drove west to an area that my daughter and I had driven through not long ago. Too late for the Canola fields, which was disappointing, and it was so hazy that the hills and mountains were almost invisible. I wonder if this was simply haze, or perhaps smoke from BC or the States?

On this drive westward, I took a short drive up a gravel back road and didn't notice a hawk on a fencepost until I was past it. It was leaning almost horizontally but gave a lovely view. Unfortunately, it took off immediately right out into a field of hay bales, landing at the base of a distant one. Only managed to get three awful, blurry, useless shots, but I am wondering if it might have been a Ferruginous Hawk.

My drive back north and homeward bound gave me a beautiful sighting of two handsome Mule Deer bucks in a field of Clover. They didn't seem bothered by my car and I was able to take a few photos. Then someone in a truck came noisily down the road at top speed and off went the deer over the hill. Further along this road, I came across a young White-tailed Deer buck which seemed to be on its own. Two or three Hawks were perched on poles and a young Western Meadowlark also added some enjoyment to the day.

The grasshopper I posted from this outing had landed on my windshield when I was parked. A few minutes earlier, one flew on to my clothing and I quickly tried to get it outside. Thinking I had been successful, especially seeing one on the window, I didn't give it another thought. That is, till I was driving, and the original insect leapt up from somewhere below the steering wheel and caught me off guard. Glad I was on a back road and not a busy highway : )
  • Views: 2491
  • Comments: 5
  • Favorites: 18
  • Taken: Aug 8, 2022
  • Uploaded: Aug 12, 2022
  • Updated: Jun 20, 2024