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User / annkelliott / Young Richardson's Ground Squirrel
Anne Elliott / 24,826 items
When I was driving a gravel side road very slowly, this young Richardson's Ground Squirrel suddenly appeared. I stopped, just in case it ran across the road in front of my car. These animals are taking so many chances, crossing roads, and I noticed two or three that had been killed. This youngster came over to my car, as if to say "Hi!". Crummy shot, posted just for the memory of a cute encounter.

For the first time since my last drive on 22 February 2024, I thought I would take the risk of getting out and seeing how I would manage with driving for a few hours. I kind of knew what to expect, and the next day, my body was in far worse pain. Hopefully, it will slowly improve.

I wanted to see the American White Pelicans that have now started to return to Frank Lake, SE of Calgary. By the time I got there, a group had finished up their morning there, but there were still a lot of birders/photographers in the area. My plans did not include getting out of my car and walking at all - and there is a LOT of flooding around the birding blind, anyway. I was happy just to see the Pelicans from a distance and to take several poor shots just for the record.

After this quick visit, I then drove westward and then back eastward to the main highway going home. The weather was beautiful, with a sky full of layers of clouds. It felt so good to see the mountains again after so many weeks, and to drive a few familiar roads SW of Calgary.

Sounds a little pathetic, but I was actually happy to see three Canada Geese! For a few months, I have basically seen nothing. An American Robin was nice to see, too. Saw and missed a Western Meadowlark, which flew before I could get a photo. Also saw two hawks, which also flew immediately. Plenty of time ahead over the summer to get out again and see a variety of species. This day was just a test to see if I could manage a drive.

Yesterday, 13 April 2024, our temperature was 16°C (FEELS LIKE 15°C) at 6:30 pm. Forecast for Tuesday, 16 April, is snow!
  • Views: 244
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  • Favorites: 4
  • Taken: Apr 12, 2024
  • Uploaded: Apr 14, 2024
  • Updated: Apr 15, 2024