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User / annkelliott / American Avocet / Recurvirostra americana
Anne Elliott / 24,826 items
Just for the record.

Today, 29 April 2024, I managed to get out again, just in time for the snow that is expected for tonight, rain too. Also rain and snow for tomorrow and the next day, 1 May. Overcast, chilly wind, and a few raindrops today, during my drive. Just a fairly short trip SW of the city, but I was so happy to see several Mountain Bluebirds and a few American Robins, plus a couple of Swainson's (?) Hawks. Taken in poor light, so I need to lighten a photo to be sure of the hawk species. Of course, Red-winged Blackbirds everywhere made sure they were heard. A Canada Goose lying on her nest was a welcome sight.

I will post photos from today when I have edited them. This evening, I'm adding five more photos from my last drive, three days ago. It has been many months since I was able to get out this much, and it feels so good, even if not physically.

On 26 April 2024, I managed a short drive SE of Calgary. Thought I had better make the most of clear roads before the bad weather arrives. All familiar, much-travelled roads this time, around the Frank Lake area and while heading back home.

I bumped into a huge group of people who were on a special outing to Frank Lake, led by Greg Wagner, who takes care of the lake areas and does a tremendous job of recording every bird seen, all year round and for many years. Not just once a day, either! Yesterday, he was showing the participants the various viewing points around the lake and I happened to see the cars coming towards me along one of the roads. I turned around and caught up with them. They had just one more location to visit, but one had to drive on a rough, non-road to get there. I would have been almost the last person to get there if I had gone, with a long walk to get to the lake edge. I knew I couldn't do that, with painful sciatica or bursitis in my right side, so I continued on my own journey. Good to see you, Greg, even if for just a few moments.

A bit of information about Greg:

So many birds in the area are far, far away - and I still don't possess a pair of binoculars after about 18 years of birding! (By the way, the birding blind area at Frank Lake is still extremely flooded.) However, I was happy to spend a bit of time watching and taking a few photos of the closer birds on my way home. Mainly Yellow-headed and Red-winged Blackbirds, plus a few Coots and European Starlings. At one point, there was an absolute frenzy of a group of Starlings and both species of Blackbirds on the ground, all mixed together. I had to take a bit of video, through the windscreen so poor quality.
  • Views: 274
  • Comments: 1
  • Favorites: 3
  • Taken: Apr 26, 2024
  • Uploaded: Apr 29, 2024
  • Updated: May 18, 2024