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User / annkelliott / Sets / A short drive SE of Calgary, 13 January 2023
Anne Elliott / 6 items

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Not the most inspiring photos, but they will serve as a reminder of the short drive I went on, SE of Calgary, on 13 January 2023. We have been having beautiful, milder weather recently, but I noticed that there are flurries mentioned in the weather forecast for this coming week. Light freezing drizzle tonight does not sound good. Anyway, I thought I had better get out for a quick drive while the good weather is still here. Hadn't been anywhere for 10 days and I needed a change of scenery and a bit of fresh air. I do wonder if the winter dryness inside my place is not helping with my cough.

So few birds to be seen anywhere, apart from maybe half a dozen Magpies. Always hope that I might just see a Snowy Owl, but not this time. So my camera was turned skyward. The clouds in every direction were different and quite interesting.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SE of Calgary scenery landscape countryside back road field fence grain bin old red agriculture snow mountains distant sky clouds outdoor winter 13 January 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott rural rural decay rural scene

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Not the most inspiring photos, but they will serve as a reminder of the short drive I went on, SE of Calgary, on 13 January 2023. We have been having beautiful, milder weather recently, but I noticed that there are flurries mentioned in the weather forecast for this coming week. Light freezing drizzle tonight does not sound good. Anyway, I thought I had better get out for a quick drive while the good weather is still here. Hadn't been anywhere for 10 days and I needed a change of scenery and a bit of fresh air. I do wonder if the winter dryness inside my place is not helping with my cough.

So few birds to be seen anywhere, apart from maybe half a dozen Magpies. Always hope that I might just see a Snowy Owl, but not this time. So my camera was turned skyward. The clouds in every direction were different and quite interesting.

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Not the most inspiring photos, but they will serve as a reminder of the short drive I went on, SE of Calgary, on 13 January 2023. We have been having beautiful, milder weather recently, but I noticed that there are flurries mentioned in the weather forecast for this coming week. Light freezing drizzle tonight does not sound good. Anyway, I thought I had better get out for a quick drive while the good weather is still here. Hadn't been anywhere for 10 days and I needed a change of scenery and a bit of fresh air. I do wonder if the winter dryness inside my place is not helping with my cough.

So few birds to be seen anywhere, apart from maybe half a dozen Magpies. Always hope that I might just see a Snowy Owl, but not this time. So my camera was turned skyward. The clouds in every direction were different and quite interesting.

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Not the most inspiring photos, but they will serve as a reminder of the short drive I went on, SE of Calgary, on 13 January 2023. We have been having beautiful, milder weather recently, but I noticed that there are flurries mentioned in the weather forecast for this coming week. Light freezing drizzle tonight does not sound good. Anyway, I thought I had better get out for a quick drive while the good weather is still here. Hadn't been anywhere for 10 days and I needed a change of scenery and a bit of fresh air. I do wonder if the winter dryness inside my place is not helping with my cough.

So few birds to be seen anywhere, apart from maybe half a dozen Magpies. Always hope that I might just see a Snowy Owl, but not this time. So my camera was turned skyward. The clouds in every direction were different and quite interesting.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SE of Calgary scenery landscape sky clouds

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Taken at 12:35 pm.

Not the most inspiring photos, but they will serve as a reminder of the short drive I went on, SE of Calgary, on 13 January 2023. We have been having beautiful, milder weather recently, but I noticed that there are flurries mentioned in the weather forecast for this coming week. Light freezing drizzle tonight does not sound good. Anyway, I thought I had better get out for a quick drive while the good weather is still here. Hadn't been anywhere for 10 days and I needed a change of scenery and a bit of fresh air. I do wonder if the winter dryness inside my place is not helping with my cough.

So few birds to be seen anywhere, apart from maybe half a dozen Magpies. Always hope that I might just see a Snowy Owl, but not this time. So my camera was turned skyward. The clouds in every direction were different and quite interesting.

The massive Cargill grain terminal is not exactly the most beautiful of structures and definitely not as photogenic as the three old, wooden elevators that apparently used to be along the railway line, just a very short distance away, but still rather impressive.

In 2004, Blackie apparently had 3 elevators, an Ex-Agricore, Pioneer and Agricore United steel elevator. The large, green, wooden elevator was torn down in 2005 and replaced by this huge, modern grain loading terminal. The other wooden elevator, the Pioneer elevator, was torn down in December 2012. It was a fairly modern, seemingly well-kept elevator. Wish I had seen these, but I hadn't plucked up courage to drive SE of Calgary back then.

"There were 1,651 elevators in Alberta in 1951, but by 1982 a total of 979 elevators remained. The 1990s spelled the death of the wooden “country” or “primary” elevator. At the end of the 1990s, as the full impact of both of the ending of the Crow Rate in 1995 and further impending rail abandonment was felt, the pace of demolition accelerated at an unprecedented rate. At the end of the 1996-1997 crop year, there were only 327 elevators left. Alberta’s largest cooperative grain companies, the Alberta Wheat Pool (which amalgamated with Manitoba Pool Elevators in 1998 as Agricore) and United Grain Growers, ultimately formed a new corporate entity known as Agricore United in 2001, issuing issued public shares. Demolition of country elevators has continued, and in 2005 there were only 156 wooden elevators of any kind still standing, only a handful of which are used by the grain trade.

The Government of Alberta has recognised the significance of the traditional wood grain elevators, and has designated 12 as Provincial Historic Resources. They are located in the following communities: Andrew, Castor, Leduc, Meeting Creek, Paradise Valley, Radway, Rowley (3 elevators), Scandia and St. Albert (2 elevators)." Of these, I have only seen those at Rowley.



Tags:   Alberta Canada SE of Calgary scenery landscape sky clouds
