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User / annkelliott / Sets / Mother's Day/Birthday drive with my daughter, 23 May 2023
Anne Elliott / 6 items

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On 23 May 2023, my daughter and I spent the day together, going SW of Calgary, celebrating a slightly late Mother's Day and a slightly early Birthday. Our mission was to find a first-of-the-year Mountain Bluebird for my daughter. As it turned out, we saw a number of Bluebirds - always such a treat.

It felt so good to be able to go out on such a clear day, after about a week of bad smoke blowing from the wildfires further north. Thankfully, we have had some rain, which has helped the firefighters, but once the drier weather comes, we know that more fires will be breaking out.

Meeting my daughter at 9:00 am, we first headed for a local park, hoping to find at least one of the Great Horned Owls. Almost ready to give up, a very kind couple on the same path told us exactly where to look. Interesting, as this was not where I had expected any of the owls to be. We could only see the owlet and it was not easy to spot, high up in a tree with the wind blowing branches back and forth across its fluffy body. We really appreciated the help we were given.

From the park, we called in briefly at a wetland before heading SW. Not too much to see - less than I had expected.

Our drive SW of the city followed most of my 'usual' roads. Again, it seemed rather quiet as far as any birds were concerned. The Bluebirds were definitely "Bluebirds of Happiness"!

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This view took my breath away a couple of days ago, on 23 May 2023. My daughter and I spent the day together, going SW of Calgary, celebrating a slightly late Mother's Day and a slightly early Birthday. Our mission was to find a first-of-the-year Mountain Bluebird for my daughter. As it turned out, we saw a number of Bluebirds - always such a treat.

It felt so good to be able to go out on such a clear day, after about a week of bad smoke blowing from the wildfires further north. Thankfully, we have had some rain, which has helped the firefighters, but once the drier weather comes, we know that more fires will be breaking out.

Meeting my daughter at 9:00 am, we first headed for a local park, hoping to find at least one of the Great Horned Owls. Almost ready to give up, a very kind couple on the same path told us exactly where to look. Interesting, as this was not where I had expected any of the owls to be. We could only see the owlet and it was not easy to spot, high up in a tree with the wind blowing branches back and forth across its fluffy body. We really appreciated the help we were given.

From the park, we called in briefly at a wetland before heading SW. Not too much to see - less than I had expected.

Our drive SW of the city followed most of my 'usual' roads. Again, it seemed rather quiet as far as any birds were concerned. The Bluebirds were definitely "Bluebirds of Happiness"!

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary landscape view scenery mountains foothills farm field Dandelions yellow beautiful clouds trees woodland forest barn outdoor spring 23 May 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 annkelliott Anne Elliott Everything Scenery

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On 23 May 2023, my daughter and I spent the day together, going SW of Calgary, celebrating a slightly late Mother's Day and a slightly early Birthday. Our mission was to find a first-of-the-year Mountain Bluebird for my daughter. As it turned out, we saw a number of Bluebirds - always such a treat.

It felt so good to be able to go out on such a clear day, after about a week of bad smoke blowing from the wildfires further north. Thankfully, we have had some rain, which has helped the firefighters, but once the drier weather comes, we know that more fires will be breaking out.

Meeting my daughter at 9:00 am, we first headed for a local park, hoping to find at least one of the Great Horned Owls. Almost ready to give up, a very kind couple on the same path told us exactly where to look. Interesting, as this was not where I had expected any of the owls to be. We could only see the owlet and it was not easy to spot, high up in a tree with the wind blowing branches back and forth across its fluffy body. We really appreciated the help we were given.

From the park, we called in briefly at a wetland before heading SW. Not too much to see - less than I had expected.

Our drive SW of the city followed most of my 'usual' roads. Again, it seemed rather quiet as far as any birds were concerned. The Bluebirds were definitely "Bluebirds of Happiness"!

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Tuesday, 7 May 2024: great, I have to get to a Doctor's appointment half way across the city today, that I can't cancel. Weather forecast: Wind 52Nkm/h. Wind gust 89km/h. Continuing rain. Have arranged for a taxi - hope he's a safe driver!

I am adding another five photos from my archives, yet again. If I wrote a description under a previously posted photo taken on the same outing, I will add it to this morning's uploads. We had quite a bit of rain today, 6 May 2024, so I wouldn't have gone out anywhere. Even more rain tomorrow. We desperately need it, though.

"This view took my breath away on 23 May 2023. My daughter and I spent the day together, going SW of Calgary, celebrating a slightly late Mother's Day and a slightly early Birthday. Our mission was to find a first-of-the-year Mountain Bluebird for my daughter. As it turned out, we saw a number of Bluebirds - always such a treat.

It felt so good to be able to go out on such a clear day, after about a week of bad smoke blowing from the wildfires further north. Thankfully, we have had some rain, which has helped the firefighters, but once the drier weather comes, we know that more fires will be breaking out.

Meeting my daughter at 9:00 am, we first headed for a local park, hoping to find at least one of the Great Horned Owls. Almost ready to give up, a very kind couple on the same path told us exactly where to look. Interesting, as this was not where I had expected any of the owls to be. We could only see the owlet and it was not easy to spot, high up in a tree with the wind blowing branches back and forth across its fluffy body. We really appreciated the help we were given.

From the park, we called in briefly at a wetland before heading SW. Not too much to see - less than I had expected.

Our drive SW of the city followed most of my 'usual' roads. Again, it seemed rather quiet as far as any birds were concerned. The Bluebirds were definitely "Bluebirds of Happiness"!

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary landscape view scenery mountains foothills farm barns field Dandelions yellow beautiful clouds trees woodland forest outdoor spring 23 May 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott IMG_2966

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On 23 May 2023, my daughter and I spent the day together, going SW of Calgary, celebrating a slightly late Mother's Day and a slightly early Birthday. Our mission was to find a first-of-the-year Mountain Bluebird for my daughter. As it turned out, we saw a number of Bluebirds - always such a treat.

It felt so good to be able to go out on such a clear day, after about a week of bad smoke blowing from the wildfires further north. Thankfully, we have had some rain, which has helped the firefighters, but once the drier weather comes, we know that more fires will be breaking out.

Meeting my daughter at 9:00 am, we first headed for a local park, hoping to find at least one of the Great Horned Owls. Almost ready to give up, a very kind couple on the same path told us exactly where to look. Interesting, as this was not where I had expected any of the owls to be. We could only see the owlet and it was not easy to spot, high up in a tree with the wind blowing branches back and forth across its fluffy body. We really appreciated the help we were given.

From the park, we called in briefly at a wetland before heading SW. Not too much to see - less than I had expected.

Our drive SW of the city followed most of my 'usual' roads. Again, it seemed rather quiet as far as any birds were concerned. The Bluebirds were definitely "Bluebirds of Happiness"!
