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User / annkelliott / Sets / A drive SW and S of Calgary, 13 June 2023
Anne Elliott / 22 items

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It's RAINING today, thank goodness!! Very windy, too. Alberta is desperate for rain, to try and help with all the wildfires that are burning.

Just before 7:00 pm today, our temperature is only 8°C (wind chill 3°C). So welcome after all the hot days we have been having. Sunrise was at 5:20 am and sunset is at 9:52 pm.

Seeing that the forcast showed expected rain on a number of days, I decided that I had better get out for a drive yesterday. Also, it was too hot and stuffy inside my place. The first part of my drive was smoky, but it did clear somewhat most of the day.

I started my drive by going straight south and then turning westward. following quite a few of my favourite roads. Unfortunately, I then travelled on a gravel road going south that I always enjoy, but gravel was being added to the road surface. Part of it had a raised gravel pile down the centre and I didn't realize how high this was. It sure didn't sound good as it scraped the underside of my vehicle, and gravel ended up being spit out of my wheels for a while afterwards. Each time I stopped the car ( at lights, etc.). as I pulled forward there was an unpleasant noise coming from my wheels. Only lasted a few seconds each time, but I thought I had better make an appointment to get things checked out, including any damage to the allignment. I have a week to wait before my appointment.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary nature wildlife avian ornithology bird European Starling Sturnus vulgaris adult side view pattern iridescence perched standing fence post insect food for babies insect in beak field bokeh outdoor spring 13 June 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2023 © All Rights Reserved

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It's RAINING today (14 June 2023), thank goodness!! Very windy, too. Alberta is desperate for rain, to try and help with all the wildfires that are burning.

Just before 7:00 pm today, our temperature is only 8°C (wind chill 3°C). So welcome after all the hot days we have been having. Sunrise was at 5:20 am and sunset is at 9:52 pm.

Seeing that the forcast showed expected rain on a number of days, I decided that I had better get out for a drive yesterday. Also, it was too hot and stuffy inside my place. The first part of my drive was smoky, but it did clear somewhat most of the day.

I started my drive by going straight south and then turning westward. following quite a few of my favourite roads. Unfortunately, I then travelled on a gravel road going south that I always enjoy, but gravel was being added to the road surface. Part of it had a raised gravel pile down the centre and I didn't realize how high this was. It sure didn't sound good as it scraped the underside of my vehicle, and gravel ended up being spit out of my wheels for a while afterwards. Each time I stopped the car ( at lights, etc.). as I pulled forward there was an unpleasant noise coming from my wheels. Only lasted a few seconds each time, but I thought I had better make an appointment to get things checked out, including any damage to the allignment. I have a week to wait before my appointment.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary nature wildlife avian ornithology bird Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta adult side view perched standing fence post fence field bokeh outdoor spring 13 June 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2023 © All Rights Reserved

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It's RAINING today (14 June 2023), thank goodness!! Very windy, too. Alberta is desperate for rain, to try and help with all the wildfires that are burning.

Just before 7:00 pm today, our temperature is only 8°C (wind chill 3°C). So welcome after all the hot days we have been having. Sunrise was at 5:20 am and sunset is at 9:52 pm.

Seeing that the forcast showed expected rain on a number of days, I decided that I had better get out for a drive yesterday. Also, it was too hot and stuffy inside my place. The first part of my drive was smoky, but it did clear somewhat most of the day.

I started my drive by going straight south and then turning westward. following quite a few of my favourite roads. Unfortunately, I then travelled on a gravel road going south that I always enjoy, but gravel was being added to the road surface. Part of it had a raised gravel pile down the centre and I didn't realize how high this was. It sure didn't sound good as it scraped the underside of my vehicle, and gravel ended up being spit out of my wheels for a while afterwards. Each time I stopped the car ( at lights, etc.). as I pulled forward there was an unpleasant noise coming from my wheels. Only lasted a few seconds each time, but I thought I had better make an appointment to get things checked out, including any damage to the allignment. I have a week to wait before my appointment.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary farm farm animal cattle cow female baby calf field outdoor spring 13 June 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2023 © All Rights Reserved

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It's RAINING today (14 June 2023), thank goodness!! Very windy, too. Alberta is desperate for rain, to try and help with all the wildfires that are burning.

Just before 7:00 pm today, our temperature is only 8°C (wind chill 3°C). So welcome after all the hot days we have been having. Sunrise was at 5:20 am and sunset is at 9:52 pm.

Seeing that the forcast showed expected rain on a number of days, I decided that I had better get out for a drive yesterday. Also, it was too hot and stuffy inside my place. The first part of my drive was smoky, but it did clear somewhat most of the day.

I started my drive by going straight south and then turning westward. following quite a few of my favourite roads. Unfortunately, I then travelled on a gravel road going south that I always enjoy, but gravel was being added to the road surface. Part of it had a raised gravel pile down the centre and I didn't realize how high this was. It sure didn't sound good as it scraped the underside of my vehicle, and gravel ended up being spit out of my wheels for a while afterwards. Each time I stopped the car ( at lights, etc.). as I pulled forward there was an unpleasant noise coming from my wheels. Only lasted a few seconds each time, but I thought I had better make an appointment to get things checked out, including any damage to the allignment. I have a week to wait before my appointment.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary nature wildlife avian ornithology bird Brewer's Blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus adult side view close-up iridescence perched standing unseen fence post field bokeh outdoor spring 13 June 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2023 © All Rights Reserved

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"The largest of the North American hawks, ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis) are named specifically for their rust-coloured plumage on their backs and heads. Due to their size and behaviour, they may often be mistaken for eagles. Ferruginous hawks feed primarily on medium-size mammals such as rabbits and squirrels, but they will also feed on smaller birds and reptiles. These hawks are endemic to North America.

The ferruginous hawk is currently classified “at-risk” by the General Status of Alberta Wild Species Report, and “endangered” under the Wildlife Act (AEP profile). It is estimated that fewer than 700 pairs remain in the province, as their numbers are declining because of loss of nesting habitat. As a threatened species, they are protected under the provincial wildlife act, and it is illegal to kill or harass individuals or disturb their nests (AEP profile).

The Alberta Ferruginous Hawk Recovery Plan (2009-2014) was established with the goal of achieving a viable, self-sustaining population across the Alberta grassland habitat, and for this population to be a continuous one that ranges across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Montana.

Because of the increase in industrial and agrarian development in Alberta, the recovery plan states that the present reduced range is unlikely to be increased, and so efforts are best spent on maintaining current populations and recovery, while looking for opportunities to establish grassland restoration when possible.

One of the biggest factors in the reduced population size of the ferruginous hawk is a lack of nesting sites. The Provincial Ferruginous Hawk Lead has released education material for landowners who wish to contribute to the recovery of the hawks, and suggests the creation of artificial nesting posts that can be used to supplement existing recovery efforts (Nature Canada, Downey et al 2006)." From Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation.

It's RAINING today (14 June 2023), thank goodness!! Very windy, too. Alberta is desperate for rain, to try and help with all the wildfires that are burning.

Just before 7:00 pm today, our temperature is only 8°C (wind chill 3°C). So welcome after all the hot days we have been having. Sunrise was at 5:20 am and sunset is at 9:52 pm.

Seeing that the forcast showed expected rain on a number of days, I decided that I had better get out for a drive yesterday. Also, it was too hot and stuffy inside my place. The first part of my drive was smoky, but it did clear somewhat most of the day.

I started my drive by going straight south and then turning westward. following quite a few of my favourite roads. Unfortunately, I then travelled on a gravel road going south that I always enjoy, but gravel was being added to the road surface. Part of it had a raised gravel pile down the centre and I didn't realize how high this was. It sure didn't sound good as it scraped the underside of my vehicle, and gravel ended up being spit out of my wheels for a while afterwards. Each time I stopped the car ( at lights, etc.). as I pulled forward there was an unpleasant noise coming from my wheels. Only lasted a few seconds each time, but I thought I had better make an appointment to get things checked out, including any damage to the allignment. I have a week to wait before my appointment.

Tags:   Alberta Canada S of Calgary nature wildlife avian ornithology bird bird of prey raptor hawk Ferruginous Hawk Buteo regalis adult perched power pole rail standing side view taken through windshield poor quality outdoor spring 13 June 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2023 © All Rights Reserved
