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User / annkelliott / Sets / A drive SW of Calgary, 23 June 2023
Anne Elliott / 10 items

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With several more days of risk of a thunderstorm, I thought I had better get out for a drive yesterday, 23 June 2023. Too short of sleep for a full-day's drive, so I kept to my familiar roads SW of the city.

I only see more or less the same bird species each time I do this drive, but that's OK. One of the first birds I looked for was a Wilson's Snipe. All sounded quiet and I couldn't see any fence posts with a bird standing on top. Then I noticed something between the barbed-wire strands way down the road. When I got closer, to my dismay, I discovered a Snipe hanging upside down, dead. Hard to tell what had happened to it, though it looked almost as if it may have got caught on one of the sharp, pointed "knots" in the barbed-wire. I pulled over right in front of it and sat and watched for any sign of life, but it was definitely dead, and with flies exploring the damaged parts. So sad.

Other birds were just the usual species I see in this area on recent drives, such as a Red-winged Blackbird and Western Meadowlark.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary scenery landscape farm farmland agriculture field building two barn red old side by side fence trees forest woodland sky clouds outdoor summer 23 June 2023 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2023 © All Rights Reserved

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Back to a few new photos instead of ones from my archives.

With several more days of risk of a thunderstorm, I thought I had better get out for a drive yesterday, 23 June 2023. Too short of sleep for a full-day's drive, so I kept to my familiar roads SW of the city.

I only see more or less the same bird species each time I do this drive, but that's OK. One of the first birds I looked for was a Wilson's Snipe. All sounded quiet and I couldn't see any fence posts with a bird standing on top. Then I noticed something between the barbed-wire strands way down the road. When I got closer, to my dismay, I discovered a Snipe hanging upside down, dead. Hard to tell what had happened to it, though it looked almost as if it may have got caught on one of the sharp, pointed "knots" in the barbed-wire. I pulled over right in front of it and sat and watched for any sign of life, but it was definitely dead, and with flies exploring the damaged parts. So sad.

Other birds were just the usual species I see in this area on recent drives, such as a Red-winged Blackbird and Western Meadowlark.

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Back to a few new photos instead of ones from my archives.

With several more days of risk of a thunderstorm, I thought I had better get out for a drive yesterday, 23 June 2023. Too short of sleep for a full-day's drive, so I kept to my familiar roads SW of the city.

I only see more or less the same bird species each time I do this drive, but that's OK. One of the first birds I looked for was a Wilson's Snipe. All sounded quiet and I couldn't see any fence posts with a bird standing on top. Then I noticed something between the barbed-wire strands way down the road. When I got closer, to my dismay, I discovered a Snipe hanging upside down, dead. Hard to tell what had happened to it, though it looked almost as if it may have got caught on one of the sharp, pointed "knots" in the barbed-wire. I pulled over right in front of it and sat and watched for any sign of life, but it was definitely dead, and with flies exploring the damaged parts. So sad.

Other birds were just the usual species I see in this area on recent drives, such as a Red-winged Blackbird and Western Meadowlark.

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Back to a few new photos instead of ones from my archives.

With several more days of risk of a thunderstorm, I thought I had better get out for a drive yesterday, 23 June 2023. Too short of sleep for a full-day's drive, so I kept to my familiar roads SW of the city.

I only see more or less the same bird species each time I do this drive, but that's OK. One of the first birds I looked for was a Wilson's Snipe. All sounded quiet and I couldn't see any fence posts with a bird standing on top. Then I noticed something between the barbed-wire strands way down the road. When I got closer, to my dismay, I discovered a Snipe hanging upside down, dead. Hard to tell what had happened to it, though it looked almost as if it may have got caught on one of the sharp, pointed "knots" in the barbed-wire. I pulled over right in front of it and sat and watched for any sign of life, but it was definitely dead, and with flies exploring the damaged parts. So sad.

Other birds were just the usual species I see in this area on recent drives, such as a Red-winged Blackbird and Western Meadowlark.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary

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Back to a few new photos instead of ones from my archives. Just a change - usually, my Red-winged Blackbirds are standing on a fence post.

With several more days of risk of a thunderstorm, I thought I had better get out for a drive yesterday, 23 June 2023. Too short of sleep for a full-day's drive, so I kept to my familiar roads SW of the city.

I only see more or less the same bird species each time I do this drive, but that's OK. One of the first birds I looked for was a Wilson's Snipe. All sounded quiet and I couldn't see any fence posts with a bird standing on top. Then I noticed something between the barbed-wire strands way down the road. When I got closer, to my dismay, I discovered a Snipe hanging upside down, dead. Hard to tell what had happened to it, though it looked almost as if it may have got caught on one of the sharp, pointed "knots" in the barbed-wire. I pulled over right in front of it and sat and watched for any sign of life, but it was definitely dead, and with flies exploring the damaged parts. So sad.

Other birds were just the usual species I see in this area on recent drives, such as a Red-winged Blackbird and Western Meadowlark.
