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User / annkelliott / Sets / Coutts Centre for Western Canadian Heritage
Anne Elliott / 46 items

N 15 B 814 C 40 E Aug 27, 2010 F Feb 16, 2012
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Yet another photo from my archives, taken on 27th August 2010, when a few of us were lucky enough to go on a day trip south of the city, to Jim Coutts' amazing homestead and gardens just east of Nanton. I LOVE his Poppy garden!

Tags:   Macrolicious

N 1 B 1.1K C 10 E Aug 27, 2010 F Mar 13, 2012
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These Poppies have puzzled me for a long time, as the seedpods have these growths around them. Does anyone happen to know what kind of Poppy this is? There was just one small patch of them, and they were much taller than the other kinds of Poppy. Taken when a group of us was lucky enough to visit the wonderful homestead gardens belonging to Jim Coutts, just NE of Nanton, south of Calgary. I absolutely love Jim's Poppy garden. Photographed on 27 August 2010.

These seed pods look as good in the garden as they do in floral arrangements. The larger center pod is surrounded by chicks, or smaller pods, that develop around the larger pod. The seeds inside of these pods are edible. This plant is illegal to grow in some states because opium can be derived from this particular species.

Later: I think these are called Hens & Chicks Poppies. Read more: Tips on Growing Hens & Chicks Poppies | eHow.com www.ehow.com/info_8367387_tips-growing-hens-chicks-poppie...

Tags:   Alberta Canada southern Alberta south of Calgary near Nanton homestead Jim Coutts nature garden flora flower flowers botany Poppy orange seedhead Panasonic DMC-FZ35 DMC-FZ35 FZ35 Lumix point-and-shoot P1150534 FZ35 annkelliott Hens & Chicks Poppies

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A whole area of Jim Coutts' wonderful homestead gardens, just north east of Nanton, south of Calgary, was covered in these mushrooms. Though each one looked slightly different from the others, this was basically how many of them looked. Quite fascinating to see them all growing amongst a patch of trees. Taken on 27th August 2010, when a group of us was fortunate enough to visit Jim and his home again.

Tags:   Alberta Canada southern Alberta south of Calgary just NE of Nanton Jim Coutts' garden nature mycology fungus fungi mushroom mushrooms macro close-up textured cap beauty in nature square crop Panasonic DMC-FZ35 DMC-FZ35 FZ35 Lumix point-and-shoot P1150746 FZ35 annkelliott Feels Good © Anne Elliott 2010 © All Rights Reserved

N 7 B 963 C 21 E Aug 27, 2010 F Jan 9, 2011
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A whole area of Jim Coutts' wonderful homestead gardens, just north east of Nanton, south of Calgary, was covered in these mushrooms. Though each one looked slightly different from the others, this was basically how many of them looked. Quite fascinating to see them all growing amongst a patch of trees. Taken on August 27th.

I'm so glad that yesterday's wind and snowstorm seem to have come to an end. It's finely snowing as I type, but I don't plan on leaving the warmth of home today : ) It was about 6:00 a.m. before I finally got to bed. I had been asked if I could possibly send a few photos of myself (and my kids) to have at my brother's upcoming funeral service in England and it was a real challenge to come up with anything at all. I just don't get photos taken of myself, but managed to eventually find three or four that will have to suffice, as long as they are only used in very small size. You know, folks, it really is very wise to think of these things ahead (hopefully way ahead!) and to make plans.

And now I need to see to a pile of important and urgent e-mails ...

N 2 B 653 C 12 E Aug 27, 2010 F Jan 3, 2011
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Not sure what plant this is, but I noticed it in the beautiful homestead gardens belonging to Jim Coutts when we were lucky enough to visit him again this year, on August 27th. Jim lives just north east of Nanton, which is south of Calgary. Thanks to Sean Rangel for the ID, Verbena bonariensis.

Thought I'd post my "daily three" (to hang on to the remaining glimmer of self-discipline in my life, LOL!), to take a break after talking to my good friend, Diana, in England, for an hour, discussing all sorts of things in connection with the death of my brother and some of the things that need to be seen to. Diana, along with other of my old friends - Linda, Anne and Eric, who also live in Birmingham - are being just unbelievably supportive and helpful at this difficult, complicated time. Diana, I can never thank you enough for everything you have already done and for all the ideas and suggestions that you talked with me about this afternoon, over the phone. Now I need to take a little break to clear my head slightly before thinking of what to write in various important and very urgent e-mails, so here I am, on Flickr, where I know I can collapse, however briefly, surrounded by the caring of so many friends : ) My deepest thanks to you all.

Tags:   Verbena bonariensis
