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User / annkelliott / Sets / Saskatoon Farm, a drive SW of Calgary, Frank Lake, 6 September 2023
Anne Elliott / 9 items

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These five photos were taken yesterday, 6 September 2023, when I finally got out for a drive - the last one I went on was on 4 August! My main reason for getting out was because I desperately needed food (veggies and fruit) and I wanted to buy them from the Saskatoon Farm. After that, I couldn't resist driving SW of Calgary for a while and then, last of all, I called in at Frank Lake.

There were so few birds around, except for all the tiny, distant specks by the pylons, which are no use to try and photograph. In fact, I barely saw any small birds all day. However, I did see a number of beautiful Hawks, which I always appreciate. My hawk ID skills are extremely low, so if anyone happens to look at any of my bird photos and you see that I have given an incorrect ID, please, if you have time, correct me. I am always grateful for any help!

Finishing my description the next day .... On the way to the Farm, I passed a Swainson's Hawk perched on a power pole. I have seen one on this road a number of times. including at harvest time, when one was down in the field, waiting for the nearby machine to disturb a small rodent or two for a snack.

At the Farm, I filled a bag with vegetables, some of which are now in the microwave, ready to turn into vegetable curry. A bag that size was so heavy, so I needed someone to carry it to the car for me. Took a few photos around the Farm for colour, then ordered the breakfast Quesadilla, served with salsa and sour cream. First time to have this - and it ws SO good!

From the Farm, I drove SW along familiar roads, finding several Hawks - Swainson's and Ferruginous. The day was rather hazy from wildfire smoke, especially in one direction. I had taken maybe half a dozen photos of one Ferruginous Hawk, perched on a distant fence post way out in a field, when suddenly it practically disappeared from sight when the smoke rapidly engulfed it.

A last minute decision to call in at Frank lake resulted in seeing a Northern Harrier that immediately flew way out into a field and landed down on the ground. I will post a poor photo later, just as a record for myself, as I so rarely see a Northern Harrier, especially close enough to photograph.

At the Lake, I wanted to check again for any insects on the wild Maximillan Sunflowers. Any birds were so far away, so no photos other than one Yellow-headed Blackbird. Wrong time of the day, I guess, plus no binoculars. It was worth a visit, though, just to see the huge expanse of glorious Glasswort. The water has dried up so much this season, and been replaced by this colourful plant.

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These five photos were taken yesterday, 6 September 2023, when I finally got out for a drive - the last one I went on was on 4 August! My main reason for getting out was because I desperately needed food (veggies and fruit) and I wanted to buy them from the Saskatoon Farm. After that, I couldn't resist driving SW of Calgary for a while and then, last of all, I called in at Frank Lake.

There were so few birds around, except for all the tiny, distant specks by the pylons, which are no use to try and photograph. In fact, I barely saw any small birds all day. However, I did see a number of beautiful Hawks, which I always appreciate. My hawk ID skills are extremely low, so if anyone happens to look at any of my bird photos and you see that I have given an incorrect ID, please, if you have time, correct me. I am always grateful for any help!

Finishing my description the next day .... On the way to the Farm, I passed a Swainson's Hawk perched on a power pole. I have seen one on this road a number of times. including at harvest time, when one was down in the field, waiting for the nearby machine to disturb a small rodent or two for a snack.

At the Farm, I filled a bag with vegetables, some of which are now in the microwave, ready to turn into vegetable curry. A bag that size was so heavy, so I needed someone to carry it to the car for me. Took a few photos around the Farm for colour, then ordered the breakfast Quesadilla, served with salsa and sour cream. First time to have this - and it ws SO good!

From the Farm, I drove SW along familiar roads, finding several Hawks - Swainson's and Ferruginous. The day was rather hazy from wildfire smoke, especially in one direction. I had taken maybe half a dozen photos of one Ferruginous Hawk, perched on a distant fence post way out in a field, when suddenly it practically disappeared from sight when the smoke rapidly engulfed it.

A last minute decision to call in at Frank lake resulted in seeing a Northern Harrier that immediately flew way out into a field and landed down on the ground. I will post a poor photo later, just as a record for myself, as I so rarely see a Northern Harrier, especially close enough to photograph.

At the Lake, I wanted to check again for any insects on the wild Maximillan Sunflowers. Any birds were so far away, so no photos other than one Yellow-headed Blackbird. Wrong time of the day, I guess, plus no binoculars. It was worth a visit, though, just to see the huge expanse of glorious Glasswort. The water has dried up so much this season, and been replaced by this colourful plant.

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These five photos were taken yesterday, 6 September 2023, when I finally got out for a drive - the last one I went on was on 4 August! My main reason for getting out was because I desperately needed food (veggies and fruit) and I wanted to buy them from the Saskatoon Farm. After that, I couldn't resist driving SW of Calgary for a while and then, last of all, I called in at Frank Lake.

There were so few birds around, except for all the tiny, distant specks by the pylons, which are no use to try and photograph. In fact, I barely saw any small birds all day. However, I did see a number of beautiful Hawks, which I always appreciate. My hawk ID skills are extremely low, so if anyone happens to look at any of my bird photos and you see that I have given an incorrect ID, please, if you have time, correct me. I am always grateful for any help!

Finishing my description the next day .... On the way to the Farm, I passed a Swainson's Hawk perched on a power pole. I have seen one on this road a number of times. including at harvest time, when one was down in the field, waiting for the nearby machine to disturb a small rodent or two for a snack.

At the Farm, I filled a bag with vegetables, some of which are now in the microwave, ready to turn into vegetable curry. A bag that size was so heavy, so I needed someone to carry it to the car for me. Took a few photos around the Farm for colour, then ordered the breakfast Quesadilla, served with salsa and sour cream. First time to have this - and it ws SO good!

From the Farm, I drove SW along familiar roads, finding several Hawks - Swainson's and Ferruginous. The day was rather hazy from wildfire smoke, especially in one direction. I had taken maybe half a dozen photos of one Ferruginous Hawk, perched on a distant fence post way out in a field, when suddenly it practically disappeared from sight when the smoke rapidly engulfed it.

A last minute decision to call in at Frank lake resulted in seeing a Northern Harrier that immediately flew way out into a field and landed down on the ground. I will post a poor photo later, just as a record for myself, as I so rarely see a Northern Harrier, especially close enough to photograph.

At the Lake, I wanted to check again for any insects on the wild Maximillan Sunflowers. Any birds were so far away, so no photos other than one Yellow-headed Blackbird. Wrong time of the day, I guess, plus no binoculars. It was worth a visit, though, just to see the huge expanse of glorious Glasswort. The water has dried up so much this season, and been replaced by this colourful plant.

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These five photos were taken yesterday, 6 September 2023, when I finally got out for a drive - the last one I went on was on 4 August! My main reason for getting out was because I desperately needed food (veggies and fruit) and I wanted to buy them from the Saskatoon Farm. After that, I couldn't resist driving SW of Calgary for a while and then, last of all, I called in at Frank Lake.

There were so few birds around, except for all the tiny, distant specks by the pylons, which are no use to try and photograph. In fact, I barely saw any small birds all day. However, I did see a number of beautiful Hawks, which I always appreciate. My hawk ID skills are extremely low, so if anyone happens to look at any of my bird photos and you see that I have given an incorrect ID, please, if you have time, correct me. I am always grateful for any help!

Finishing my description the next day .... On the way to the Farm, I passed a Swainson's Hawk perched on a power pole. I have seen one on this road a number of times. including at harvest time, when one was down in the field, waiting for the nearby machine to disturb a small rodent or two for a snack.

At the Farm, I filled a bag with vegetables, some of which are now in the microwave, ready to turn into vegetable curry. A bag that size was so heavy, so I needed someone to carry it to the car for me. Took a few photos around the Farm for colour, then ordered the breakfast Quesadilla, served with salsa and sour cream. First time to have this - and it ws SO good!

From the Farm, I drove SW along familiar roads, finding several Hawks - Swainson's and Ferruginous. The day was rather hazy from wildfire smoke, especially in one direction. I had taken maybe half a dozen photos of one Ferruginous Hawk, perched on a distant fence post way out in a field, when suddenly it practically disappeared from sight when the smoke rapidly engulfed it.

A last minute decision to call in at Frank lake resulted in seeing a Northern Harrier that immediately flew way out into a field and landed down on the ground. I will post a poor photo later, just as a record for myself, as I so rarely see a Northern Harrier, especially close enough to photograph.

At the Lake, I wanted to check again for any insects on the wild Maximillan Sunflowers. Any birds were so far away, so no photos other than one Yellow-headed Blackbird. Wrong time of the day, I guess, plus no binoculars. It was worth a visit, though, just to see the huge expanse of glorious Glasswort. The water has dried up so much this season, and been replaced by this colourful plant.

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These five photos were taken yesterday, 6 September 2023, when I finally got out for a drive - the last one I went on was on 4 August! My main reason for getting out was because I desperately needed food (veggies and fruit) and I wanted to buy them from the Saskatoon Farm. After that, I couldn't resist driving SW of Calgary for a while and then, last of all, I called in at Frank Lake.

There were so few birds around, except for all the tiny, distant specks by the pylons, which are no use to try and photograph. In fact, I barely saw any small birds all day. However, I did see a number of beautiful Hawks, which I always appreciate. My hawk ID skills are extremely low, so if anyone happens to look at any of my bird photos and you see that I have given an incorrect ID, please, if you have time, correct me. I am always grateful for any help!

Finishing my description the next day .... On the way to the Farm, I passed a Swainson's Hawk perched on a power pole. I have seen one on this road a number of times. including at harvest time, when one was down in the field, waiting for the nearby machine to disturb a small rodent or two for a snack.

At the Farm, I filled a bag with vegetables, some of which are now in the microwave, ready to turn into vegetable curry. A bag that size was so heavy, so I needed someone to carry it to the car for me. Took a few photos around the Farm for colour, then ordered the breakfast Quesadilla, served with salsa and sour cream. First time to have this - and it ws SO good!

From the Farm, I drove SW along familiar roads, finding several Hawks - Swainson's and Ferruginous. The day was rather hazy from wildfire smoke, especially in one direction. I had taken maybe half a dozen photos of one Ferruginous Hawk, perched on a distant fence post way out in a field, when suddenly it practically disappeared from sight when the smoke rapidly engulfed it.

A last minute decision to call in at Frank lake resulted in seeing a Northern Harrier that immediately flew way out into a field and landed down on the ground. I will post a poor photo later, just as a record for myself, as I so rarely see a Northern Harrier, especially close enough to photograph.

At the Lake, I wanted to check again for any insects on the wild Maximillan Sunflowers. Any birds were so far away, so no photos other than one Yellow-headed Blackbird. Wrong time of the day, I guess, plus no binoculars. It was worth a visit, though, just to see the huge expanse of glorious Glasswort. The water has dried up so much this season, and been replaced by this colourful plant.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SW of Calgary nature wildlife avian ornithology bird bird of prey raptor hawk Swainson's Hawk juvenile? © Anne Elliott 2023 © All Rights Reserved
