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User / annkelliott / Sets / A very windy drive SE of Calgary, 8 June 2024
Anne Elliott / 10 items

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Oops, caught me off guard.

Friday 7 June 2024, 11:33 am: (and continuing on 8 June)
Issued by: City of Calgary: Apparently, repairs will take at least another 5-7 days (from 9 June onwards).

Thank you to all those who are working hard to get this problem pipe repaired, hopefully before the city runs out of water!


A water main break along 16 Avenue NW has impacted the city's water supply. ("We have investigated and confirmed an extensive water main break in the N.W. areas of Bowness and Montgomery on 5 June 2024"). Supply levels remain in a critical state, affecting the city's ability to provide water to communities and ensure adequate water is available to support emergency fire suppression.

Recommended Action
All residents and businesses must conserve water. A mandatory outdoor water ban is in effect. Do not water grass, plants, or trees. Do not wash outdoor surfaces. A voluntary indoor water restriction is in place. Reduce indoor water consumption as much as possible. Limit showers and flushing toilets. Avoid doing laundry or washing dishes. Monitor local media or calgary.ca/wateroutages for updates.

If Calgarians do not reduce our water use, we are at risk of running out. The City is asking Calgarians to save water for the next few days while the work gets completed."


What a horrible, windy day today, 8 June 2024! Normally, I probably wouldn’t go out on a weekend; just too many people everywhere. I also would normally stay home when it’s so windy. However, I decided to drive down SE of Calgary. I hadn’t been expecting to see much at all today, if anything, thanks to the strong wind. All the birds were struggling to stay perched on fence posts or barbed-wire. Unfortunately, this resulted in some strange, not typical postures, none of which were very photogenic.

When I drove along one little back road, that I had only ever been along once before, I was happy to come across a pair of Northern Harriers, which I rarely ever see.

On the way home, I picked up fish and chips and a salad from Boston Pizza, mainly so that I didn’t have to use any water making supper and clearing up. Not using my dishwasher or washing machine. Haven’t checked on the water main repairs in Calgary yet today, but hopefully the damage to the main water supply for the city will be repaired before too long.

Gosh, I’ve done three drives already this month and it's only 8 June!!!! Feels so good to finally be able to get out like this, at least for now.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SE of Calgary Frank Lake & area nature wildlife avian ornithology bird Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus male back/side view perched unseen fence post close-up slough outdoor 8 June 2024 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2024 © All Rights Reserved IMG_1206

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Friday 7 June 2024, 11:33 am: (and continuing on 8 June)
Issued by: City of Calgary:

A water main break along 16 Avenue NW has impacted the city's water supply. Supply levels remain in a critical state, affecting the city's ability to provide water to communities and ensure adequate water is available to support emergency fire suppression.

Recommended Action
All residents and businesses must conserve water. A mandatory outdoor water ban is in effect. Do not water grass, plants, or trees. Do not wash outdoor surfaces. A voluntary indoor water restriction is in place. Reduce indoor water consumption as much as possible. Limit showers and flushing toilets. Avoid doing laundry or washing dishes. Monitor local media or calgary.ca/wateroutages for updates.

If Calgarians do not reduce our water use, we are at risk of running out. The City is asking Calgarians to save water for the next few days while the work gets completed."


What a horrible, windy day today, 8 June 2024! Normally, I probably wouldn’t go out on a weekend; just too many people everywhere. I also would normally stay home when it’s so windy. However, I decided to drive down SE of Calgary. I hadn’t been expecting to see much at all today, if anything, thanks to the strong wind. All the birds were struggling to stay perched on fence posts or barbed-wire. Unfortunately, this resulted in some strange, not typical postures, none of which were very photogenic.

When I drove along one little back road, that I had only ever been along once before, I was happy to come across a pair of Northern Harriers, which I rarely ever see.

On the way home, I picked up fish and chips and a salad from Boston Pizza, mainly so that I didn’t have to use any water making supper and clearing up. Not using my dishwasher or washing machine. Haven’t checked on the water main repairs in Calgary yet today, but hopefully the damage to the main water supply for the city will be repaired before too long.

Gosh, I’ve done three drives already this month and it's only 8 June!!!! Feels so good to finally be able to get out like this, at least for now. I have been out of commission for quite a lot of the past two years.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SE of Calgary Frank Lake & area nature wildlife avian ornithology bird water bird Northern Pintail Anas acuta side view water slough wetland swimming outdoor 8 June 2024 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2024 © All Rights Reserved IMG_1204

N 3 B 436 C 0 E Jun 8, 2024 F Jun 8, 2024
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A rather dark video, but I didn't know how to brighten it.

Friday 7 June 2024, 11:33 am: (and continuing on 8 June)
Issued by: City of Calgary:

A water main break along 16 Avenue NW has impacted the city's water supply. Supply levels remain in a critical state, affecting the city's ability to provide water to communities and ensure adequate water is available to support emergency fire suppression.

Recommended Action
All residents and businesses must conserve water. A mandatory outdoor water ban is in effect. Do not water grass, plants, or trees. Do not wash outdoor surfaces. A voluntary indoor water restriction is in place. Reduce indoor water consumption as much as possible. Limit showers and flushing toilets. Avoid doing laundry or washing dishes. Monitor local media or calgary.ca/wateroutages for updates.

If Calgarians do not reduce our water use, we are at risk of running out. The City is asking Calgarians to save water for the next few days while the work gets completed."


What a horrible, windy day today, 8 June 2024! Normally, I probably wouldn’t go out on a weekend; just too many people everywhere. I also would normally stay home when it’s so windy. However, I decided to drive down SE of Calgary. I hadn’t been expecting to see much at all today, if anything, thanks to the strong wind. All the birds were struggling to stay perched on fence posts or barbed-wire. Unfortunately, this resulted in some strange, not typical postures, none of which were very photogenic.

When I drove along one little back road, that I had only ever been along once before, I was happy to come across a pair of Northern Harriers, which I rarely ever see.

On the way home, I picked up fish and chips and a salad from Boston Pizza, mainly so that I didn’t have to use any water making supper and clearing up. Not using my dishwasher or washing machine. Haven’t checked on the water main repairs in Calgary yet today, but hopefully the damage to the main water supply for the city will be repaired before too long.

Gosh, I’ve done three drives already this month and it's only 8 June!!!! Feels so good to finally be able to get out like this, at least for now.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SE of Calgary Frank Lake & area video nature wildlife avian ornithology bird Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta perched on top of a sign singing song outdoor 8 June 2024 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2024 © All Rights Reserved MVI_1046 video very windy day

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Friday 7 June 2024, 11:33 am: (and continuing on 8 June)
Issued by: City of Calgary:

A water main break along 16 Avenue NW has impacted the city's water supply. Supply levels remain in a critical state, affecting the city's ability to provide water to communities and ensure adequate water is available to support emergency fire suppression.

Recommended Action
All residents and businesses must conserve water. A mandatory outdoor water ban is in effect. Do not water grass, plants, or trees. Do not wash outdoor surfaces. A voluntary indoor water restriction is in place. Reduce indoor water consumption as much as possible. Limit showers and flushing toilets. Avoid doing laundry or washing dishes. Monitor local media or calgary.ca/wateroutages for updates.

If Calgarians do not reduce our water use, we are at risk of running out. The City is asking Calgarians to save water for the next few days while the work gets completed."


What a horrible, windy day today, 8 June 2024! Normally, I probably wouldn’t go out on a weekend; just too many people everywhere. I also would normally stay home when it’s so windy. However, I decided to drive down SE of Calgary. I hadn’t been expecting to see much at all today, if anything, thanks to the strong wind. All the birds were struggling to stay perched on fence posts or barbed-wire. Unfortunately, this resulted in some strange, not typical postures, none of which were very photogenic.

When I drove along one little back road, that I had only ever been along once before, I was happy to come across a pair of Northern Harriers, which I rarely ever see.

On the way home, I picked up fish and chips and a salad from Boston Pizza, mainly so that I didn’t have to use any water making supper and clearing up. Not using my dishwasher or washing machine. Haven’t checked on the water main repairs in Calgary yet today, but hopefully the damage to the main water supply for the city will be repaired before too long.

Gosh, I’ve done three drives already this month and it's only 8 June!!!! Feels so good to finally be able to get out like this, at least for now.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SE of Calgary Frank Lake & area nature wildlife avian ornithology bird Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis side view perched fence post field bokeh windy day outdoor 8 June 2024 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2024 © All Rights Reserved IMG_1099

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Friday 7 June 2024, 11:33 am: (and continuing on 8 June)
Issued by: City of Calgary:

A water main break along 16 Avenue NW has impacted the city's water supply. Supply levels remain in a critical state, affecting the city's ability to provide water to communities and ensure adequate water is available to support emergency fire suppression.

Recommended Action
All residents and businesses must conserve water. A mandatory outdoor water ban is in effect. Do not water grass, plants, or trees. Do not wash outdoor surfaces. A voluntary indoor water restriction is in place. Reduce indoor water consumption as much as possible. Limit showers and flushing toilets. Avoid doing laundry or washing dishes. Monitor local media or calgary.ca/wateroutages for updates.

If Calgarians do not reduce our water use, we are at risk of running out. The City is asking Calgarians to save water for the next few days while the work gets completed."


What a horrible, windy day today, 8 June 2024! Normally, I probably wouldn’t go out on a weekend; just too many people everywhere. I also would normally stay home when it’s so windy. However, I decided to drive down SE of Calgary. I hadn’t been expecting to see much at all today, if anything, thanks to the strong wind. All the birds were struggling to stay perched on fence posts or barbed-wire. Unfortunately, this resulted in some strange, not typical postures, none of which were very photogenic.

When I drove along one little back road, that I had only ever been along once before, I was happy to come across a pair of Northern Harriers, which I rarely ever see. Added later: looks like they were Swainson's Hawks : (

On the way home, I picked up fish and chips and a salad from Boston Pizza, mainly so that I didn’t have to use any water making supper and clearing up. Not using my dishwasher or washing machine. Haven’t checked on the water main repairs in Calgary yet today, but hopefully the damage to the main water supply for the city will be repaired before too long.

Gosh, I’ve done three drives already this month and it's only 8 June!!!! Feels so good to finally be able to get out like this, at least for now.

Tags:   Alberta Canada SE of Calgary Frank Lake & area nature wildlife avian ornithology bird raptor hawk one of a pair side view perched fence post field farm barn silos bokeh windy day outdoor 8 June 2024 Canon SX60 Canon SX60 Powershot annkelliott Anne Elliott © Anne Elliott 2024 © All Rights Reserved IMG_1126 Buteo swainsoni Swainson's Hawk
