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User / aorr
Andy Orr / 11 items

N 0 B 569 C 1 E Jul 22, 2012 F Jul 22, 2012
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An American Paddlefish at Haigh Quarry. These date back to 60 million years in North America.

N 0 B 934 C 1 E Jun 4, 2012 F Jun 4, 2012
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Thunderbirds at the Rockford air show. Manual focus, shot at 60fps (I think? Or 30), ISO 100.

Pardon the poor compression flickr gives the video. I'm currently uploading a copy to vimeo which should be higher res. Here is the video in higher res: vimeo.com/43457345

Tags:   D800E video Thunderbirds Airshow Nikon 70-200 f/2.8 TC-17EII.

N 2 B 2.0K C 5 E May 29, 2010 F May 29, 2010
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This is an animation of the nose landing gear for the XB-70 Valkyrie. As far as I can tell everything is correct on it with the exception of the actual cycling time. There is very little documentation on how the landing gear doors articulate on the plane so I did my best guess. If you know any place where my animation is wrong, please advise.

About the animation:
Modeled and rendered in Lightwave 3D on a Mac. Rendering time was 9 hours with radiosity turned on.

For an animation of the main landing gear, please see:

I plan on re-animating the main gear to incorporating some changes that need to be made and to give it a more-realistic rendering such as the one above: complete with landing gear doors and the engine bay area.

Tags:   XB-70 Landing Gear Animation Lightwave 3D Airplane X-Planes Mach 3

N 1 B 437 C 2 E Apr 21, 2009 F Apr 21, 2009
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A perfect sunset over Bozeman on 4/20/09
Nikon D70s, 2 second intervals, 1.2 hours, played at 60 fps.

I spent 3 hours going through the pictures taking out the frames that 'flicker' in the the beginning of the movie. At the end I left them in because I thought it looked kind of neat. The flickering is caused by improper aperture control of the camera. In other words, even though the camera is set to manual exposure, there is still some fluctuation in the exposure due to variations of 5% in the aperture firing. It's not getting better with the older age of my camera either!

Tags:   Time-lapse Nikon D70s 18-70mm Bozeman Montana Sunset Video

N 0 B 188 C 2 E Jan 12, 2009 F Jan 12, 2009
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I did all the 3d work for this in Lightwave 7.5 and rendered it with the trial of Lightwave 9.

With the hypervoxels and volumetric lighting, it took 65 hours to render on a 2.6 Ghz MacBookPro. My output resolution wasn't nearly as high as I'd like, but with render times like that you do what you can.

Final assembly of the video was in FCP.
The whole thing needs a lot of work, still...but it's a start. Next time I'll remember to output my render in individual frames so I don't have to re-render the whole sequence! :-)

Tags:   Arête Photography Lightwave 7.5 Promo
