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User / aorr / Sets / Bozeman, Montana
Andy Orr / 32 items

N 0 B 445 C 2 E Jul 22, 2007 F Jul 22, 2007
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I went to the fair and took a few pictures. There were some happy people there. :-)

The WB is kinda messed up. It was evening lighting and there was a ton of smoke in the air from forest fires so it was a bit hard to work with. :-/

Tags:   Nikon D70s 70-200mm f2.8 VR Fair Fun People Kids Smoke Fire Evening

N 0 B 316 C 0 E Jul 22, 2007 F Jul 22, 2007
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A self portrait of myself.
Strobist note: Flash w/ softbox fired from camera left at ~45 degrees.

Tags:   D70s Self portrait 18-70mm Strobist off camera flash softbox homemade Cactus Wireless Flash SB600

N 0 B 268 C 1 E Aug 4, 2007 F Aug 6, 2007
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A waterfall on the way to the summit of Hyalite Peak.

Taken with a circ. polarizer...and right into the sun so you can see where my lens shade was blocking sunlight and where the sunlight was hitting the lens in the upper right of the image. Ugh!

Tags:   Circular polarizer waterfall Bozeman Montana Hyalite green blur water hike D70s 18-70mm

N 0 B 905 C 2 E Aug 4, 2007 F Aug 7, 2007
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A U-shaped canyon (Hyalite Canyon) created by a glacier during the last glacial period ~18k years ago.

A Circular Polarizer was used.

Tags:   D70s U-shaped valley Glacier Ice Age 18k 18-70mm hike Hyalite Canyon flickrexport2demo

N 1 B 484 C 1 E Sep 9, 2007 F Sep 9, 2007
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A girl in the park reading a book.
Photoshop hasn't seen this photo yet. All natural colors from the camera and lens.

Tags:   Nikon D70s Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 VR girl park sunset light
