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User / artofthemystic / Sets / Galerie Treadwell in Vienna
Otto Rapp / 46 items

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Today, June 20. 2018 I visited the Gallery Treadwell with my good friend, artist Caroline Schell. It was great to meet Nick Treadwell again who showed us around and gave us a tour of his vast collection.
Nick Treadwell's gallery is a must-see in Vienna! Fantastic art from many well known (and not so well known) artists, and quite a few are my friends and members of my extended art network.
I highly recommend a visit: Große Neugasse 18, 1040 Wien

Tags:   surrealism art gallery gallery treadwell nick treadwell fantastic art

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Today, June 20. 2018 I visited the Gallery Treadwell with my good friend, artist Caroline Schell. It was great to meet Nick Treadwell again who showed us around and gave us a tour of his vast collection.
Nick Treadwell's gallery is a must-see in Vienna! Fantastic art from many well known (and not so well known) artists, and quite a few are my friends and members of my extended art network.
I highly recommend a visit: Große Neugasse 18, 1040 Wien

Tags:   surrealism art gallery gallery treadwell nick treadwell fantastic art

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Today, June 20. 2018 I visited the Gallery Treadwell with my good friend, artist Caroline Schell. It was great to meet Nick Treadwell again who showed us around and gave us a tour of his vast collection.
Nick Treadwell's gallery is a must-see in Vienna! Fantastic art from many well known (and not so well known) artists, and quite a few are my friends and members of my extended art network.
I highly recommend a visit: Große Neugasse 18, 1040 Wien

Tags:   surrealism art gallery gallery treadwell nick treadwell fantastic art
