Tags: waterfall mountain river barn West Norway Vidfoss Valley of waterfalls Oddadallen Odda Valley
Norwgian Museum of Hydro Power and Industry.
"Tysso 1 power plant was constructed between 1906 and 1918 and was one of the largest high pressure power plants in the world. Tysso 1 became the life nerve of the industrial communities of Odda and Tyssedal.
The plant is very well preserved and is one of the foremost technical and industrial sites in Norway today. The power plant tells the story of the hydro power developement and of the growth of the modern Norway."
(from en ERIH internet article)
Tags: electricity hydropower odda museum hordaland plant
Tags: electricity odda hordaland hydrower museum
Tags: electricity turbine hydropower hordaland odda
Tags: electricity hordaland machines odda hydropower