Normally this would be called a Trilogy, but for some reason the middle rack is gone.
Tags: Community Transit bike rack D40LFR
Operator was on a break, so I snapped this.
Tags: Community Transit New Flyer D40LFR interior
One of CT's new buses.
D = Diesel
40 = 40 foot length
LF = Low Floor, AKA no steps up
R = Restyled body
Tags: Community Transit New Flyer D40LFR
511's first stop is at the Busway and Royal Brougham. Not sure why it skips the other stops, but it does.
Tags: Community Transit New Flyer D60LF
1995 New Flyer D40LF #5120 on route 275 to Snohomish, Monroe.
Tags: Community Transit New Flyer D40LF