Tags: 2008 GMC Yukon Hybrid brochure
Later in 1999 this car went into production as the Honda Insight.
Tags: 1999 Honda Hybrid Concept ad
The initials stand for Ecological Science Research and Mitsubishi's commitment to the future of zero-emission technology. The hybrid ESR utilizes two power systems, a battery-powered motor which produces zero emissions and a hybrid onboard electric generating plant to recharge the battery. Photo from 1994 Los Angeles Auto Show Program
Tags: 1994 Mitsubishi ESR concept photo
Tags: 1998 Toyota Prius hybrid brochure
Not a Hybrid, but a Trybrid Car! It runs on Gasoline, Electricity and Alcohol! According to this November 2005 ad "Now one of the world's most efficient cars is coming soon from Brasil." I've never seen one, have you?
Tags: 2006 ZAP Obvio 828/2 Trybrid Gasoline Electricity Alcohol Brasil Brazil ad1