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User / Rhisiart Hincks / Sets / Cofebion / Mein-koun / Oroitarriak / Memorials
Rhisiart Hincks / 92 items

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Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand Freiherr von Humboldt - 1767-1835: diplomatikoa, filosofaria, Berlingo Humboldt Unibertsitatearen sortzailea, eta euskaldunen adiskidea.

Oroitarri hau Gernikan dago.


Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand Freiherr von Humboldt - 1767-1835: diplomat, ahronydd, sefydlydd Prifysgol Humboldt, Berlin, a chyfaill i siaradwyr y Fasgeg. Tynnodd von Humboldt sylw ieithwyr at yr angen i astudio'r Fasgeg.

Mae'r gofeb hon yn Gernika.


Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand Freiherr von Humboldt - 1767-1835: diplomat, prederour, diazezour ar Skol-Veur Humboldt, e Berlin, ha mignon d'an euskaregerien. Sachañ a reas evezh ar yezhourien war an ezhomm da studiañ an euskareg.

Ar maen-koun-mañ zo e Gernika.


Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand Freiherr von Humboldt - 1767-1835: diplomat, philosopher, founder of Humboldt, University, Berlin, and friend to the Basque speakers. He drew the attention of linguists to the need to study Basque.

This memorial is at Gernika.


Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Carl Ferdinand von Humboldt war ein preußischer Gelehrter, Schriftsteller und Staatsmann. Als Bildungsreformer initiierte er die Neuorganisation des Bildungswesens im Geiste des Neuhumanismus und betrieb die Gründung der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin.



Wedi ei ailolygu / Adwelet a-nevez / Re-edited: 2/2016

Tags:   cofeb oroitarri monument Gernika Humboldt Basgais Basgeg euskareg euskara ieithydd linguist yezhour Sprachwissenschaftler Sprachforscher Bizkaia zb Bro-Vask Basque Bascais memorial maen-koun carragh chuimhne Guernica Dùthaich nam Bascach Ar Vro-Vask Gwlad y Basg Euskal Herria Pays Basque Pais Vascos scholar gouizieg jakintsu erudito ysgolhaig du a gwyn gwenn ha du dubh agus geal dubh agus bán zuri-beltz blanc i negre blanc et noir blanco y negro black and white اسود و ابيض، B&W fekete fehér melns un balts juoda ir balta negru și alb siyah ve beyaz črno in belo черное и белое чорний і білий musta ja valkoinen crno i belo Černá a bílá

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Cofeb - Pennrynn (Penryn), Cernyw

Ym mis Mehefin 2007 ymddiheurodd Esgob Truro am y lladdfa a fu yng Nghernyw yn 1549 ac a goffeir yma.

E 1549 gorchmynnwyd defnyddio'r Llyfr Gweddi Gyffredin Protestannaidd, newid annerbyniol i ffyddloniaid yr Eglwys Gatholig. ’Roedd y gwrthryfelwyr hefyd yn anfodlon am mai Saesneg oedd iaith y llyfr newydd hwn.

Daeth gwladwyr a dynion busnes lleol at ei gilydd yng Nghernyw i leisio eu barn, ond mynnodd Dug Gwlad-yr-haf anfon byddin i roi terfyn ar yr helynt. Lladdwyd miloedd o Gernywiaid, naill ai drwy eu saethu, neu drwy eu llosgi'n fyw, neu drwy dorri eu gyddfau. Lladdwyd eraill yn y brwydro.

Ni wnaethpwyd dim i gyfieithu'r Llyfr Gweddï i'r Gernyweg.


E miz Mezheven 2007 en em zigarezas Eskob Truro evit al lazhadeg a zo kounaet amañ.

E 1549 e voe urzhiet implijout al Levr Pedennoù Boutin protestant, ur c'hemm gwelet fall gant ar re feal d'an Iliz Katolik, evel ma oa kalz a dud e Devon hag e Kernev-Veur.

Droug a oa en dispac'herien ivez dre ma oa bet lakaet ar saozneg da vezañ yezh ar pedennoù. C'hoazh e oa kalz Kernev-Veuriz na ouient ket ar yezh-se.

En em vodañ a reas koulz kouerien ha tud an aferioù a-benn lakaat anat o enebiezh ouzh ar c'hemm bras-mañ. Gant dug Somerset avat e voe gourc'hemennet kas un arme, ar braz eus ar soudarded ennañ re c'hopret eus Bro-Alamagn hag eus Italia, evit trec'hiñ an dispac'herien. Miliadoù a Gernev-veuriz a voe pe fuzuliet pe devet ez-vev pe neuze a voe dic'houzouget pe lazhet en emgannoù.

Dinac'het e voe treiñ al levr pedennoù e kernev-veureg.


In June 2007 the Bishop of Truro apologised for the massacre in 1549 and which is commemorated here. He said that the Church had reason to be ashamed.

In 1549, use of the English Protestant Book of Common Prayer was made compulsory, much to the unease of faithful Catholics. In Cornwall the feeling against this injustice was all the stronger because there were still many monoglot Cornish speakers.

Peasants and businessmen came together to protest, but the Duke of Somerset ordered an army to put a stop to the rebellion. Thousands of Cornish men were either shot, burnt alive, had their throats cut or were killed in fighting.

No attempt was made to translate Book of Common Prayer into Cornish.


Wedi ei ailolygu: 12/2017

Tags:   Penryn Cornualles Cernyw Kernow Cornwall Cornouaille Còrnais Kernev-Veur Kornwalia Corn-na-Breataine Cornish Kernowera Cernyweg Kernewek cornique Kornische kornubiera côrnic kernevveureg Còrnic Kornisk cornisch kornvala-lingvo korni Cornais kornų córnico Còrnach men-kov rebellion gwrthryfel dispac'h rebellyans protest Glasney 1549 Pennrynn kornuallesera κορνουαλικά du a gwyn gwenn ha du dubh agus geal dubh agus bán blanc i negre black and white b&w zuri-beltz blanc et noir black & white monochrome unlliw blanco y negro zwart-wit sort og hvid μαύρο και άσπρο fekete és fehér juoda ir balta mnyama nokumhlophe pango me te ma Kornubia a’ Chòrn gerla rhyfel guerre brezel cogadh gwleidyddiaeth politics polaitíocht politikerezh politika poileataigs

N 52 B 4.1K C 6 E May 5, 2006 F Aug 22, 2017
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Kizelladur, gant Frañsez Renaud (1887-1973), e Landreger, bet savet e koun ar re lazhet er Brezel Pevarzek.

Ar glac'har eo a veneg ar maen-koun-mañ, kentoc'h eget 'gloar' ar brezel. Ar skulter, Renaud, a oa unan eus arzourien dasorc'higezh arzel Breizh en hanterenn gentañ an ugentvet kantved. Un intañvez, kollet ganti he gwaz hag he zri mab yaouank-flamm er brezel, a azeze evitañ pa veze o kizellañ.

Lakaet e voe ar c'hizelladur war-wel e 1922.

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Cerflun, yn Landreger, gan Francis Renaud (1887-1973), er cof am laddedigion y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf.

Cofeb sy'n cyfleu galar, yn hytrach na 'gogoniant' rhyfel. 'Roedd Renaud (1887-1973) yn un o artistiaid adfywiad celfyddydol Llydaw yn hanner cyntaf yr ugeinfed ganrif. Gwraig weddw, a gollodd ei gŵr a'i thri mab yn y Rhyfel, a fu'n eistedd iddo.

Dadorchuddiwyd y cerflun yn 1922.

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"La Pleureuse" réalisé par Francis Renaud. Une femme devenue veuve au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale, a servi de modèle. Elle perdit aussi ses trois fils très jeunes.

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"The Weeper", a memorial to those killed in World War One

This memorial, at Landreger / Tréguier, conveys grief rather than the 'glory' of war. The sculptor, Francis Renaud, was one of the artists of the revival in Breton art in the first half of the 20th century. A widow who had lost her three sons and her husband in the War sat for him.


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Adwelet a-nevez / Wedi ei ailolygu / Re-edited: 8/2017

Tags:   Landreger Tréguier Tregor Treger Llydaw Bretagne cofeb maen-koun oroialdi galar glac'har grief pena Breizh Breten Vyghan an Bhriotáin Armorica a' Bhreatainn Bheag Bretonio Bretainia 布列塔尼 بريطانيا Bretagna Bretaña Bretanya First World War cerflun scuplture kizelladur delwenn

N 62 B 2.7K C 4 E May 6, 1987 F Oct 12, 2022
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Cofeb Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, ein Llyw Olaf, Cilmeri, Brycheiniog - Gwibdaith Adran y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, 6 Mai 1987


Studierien ha kelennerien eus Skol-Veur Aberystwyth / Oileanaich agus òraidichean bho Oilthigh Aberystwyth / Mic-léinn agus léachtóirí as Ollscoil Aberystwyth / Students and lecturers from Aberystwyth University













Tags:   academics academyddion writers llenorion Marged Haycock Edward Millward Dafydd Bowen Bobi Jones Cilmeri cofeb memorial myfyrwyr students staff Aberystwyth Cymru Wales Kembre Brycheiniog Breconshire subjugation darostyngiad Cilmery Powys murder llofruddiaeth Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf Cefn-y-bedd Cuimris kembraeg galesera gallois Cymraeg Welsh Llywelyn ap Gruffudd Prince of Wales real Prince of Wales Adran y Gymraeg Tywysog Cymru gwir Dywysog Cymru UE EU Ewrop Europe Eòrpa Europa an Eoraip Kembra Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨 ويلز Uells Ουαλία Velsa Velsas Уельс Уэльс Уелс Walia ウェールズ 威爾士 Gallas

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Delowyow, gans Terence Coventry


Ym mhentref Lannaghevran (St Keverne) y dechreuodd Gwrthryfel Cernyw (1497). o dan arweinaid Mihangel Josep y Gof o Lannaghevran, a Thomas Flamank, cyfreithiwr o Bosvenegh (Bodmin).

Dienyddiwyd y ddau wrthryfelwr. Fe'u crogwyd gan y Saeson ar 27 Mehefin, 1497.


E bourk Lannaghevran (St Keverne) e krogas Dispac'h Kernev-Veur (1497), dindan renerezh Mikael Josep ar Gov eus Lannaghevran, ha Tomaz Flamank, un den a lezenn eus Bosvenegh (Bodmin).

An daou zispac'her-se a oa kondaonet d'ar marv ha krouget gant ar Saozon d'ar 27 a viz Mezheven, 1497.


Michael Joseph (An Gof), a blacksmith from St. Keverne and Thomas Flamank a lawyer of Bodmin, incited many of the people of Cornwall into armed revolt against the English king (Henry VII).

An Gof and Flamank were both sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered, but "enjoyed" the king's mercy and were allowed to hang until dead before being decapitated.

The execution was held at Tyburn on 27 June, 1497.




Wedi ei ailolygu: 10/2016

Tags:   delow delwenn cerflun statue gwrthryfel rebellion dispac'h rebellyans matxinada errebolta revolt ar-a-mach Flamank Bodmin Bosvenegh Lannaghevran St Keverne Kernow Cernyw Kernev-Veur Cornwall Cornouaille Kornubia Cernyweg Kernewek Còrnais Cornish kernevveureg Córnico cornique kornubiera kornuallesera Kornisk κορνουαλικά a’ Chòrn du a gwyn gwenn ha du dubh agus geal dubh agus bán zuri-beltz czarno-białe blanc i negre blanc et noir blanco y negro black and white اسود و ابيض، B&W fekete fehér melns un balts juoda ir balta negru și alb siyah ve beyaz črno in belo черное и белое чорний і білий 黒と白 黑与白, zwart en wit musta ja valkoinen crno i belo Černá a bílá Schwarz und Weiß gwleidyddiaeth politics politikerezh politika poileataigs sculpture eskultura kizelladur Ewrop Europe Europa EU UE
