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User / Rhisiart Hincks / Sets / Y Borth ac Ynys-las, Ceredigion
Rhisiart Hincks / 819 items

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Breoù an draezhenn


Draoidheachd na tràghad


Hondartzako soginkeria


The magic of the beach


Y Borth, Ceredigion


Wedi ei ailolygu / Adwelet a-nevez / Re-edited: 9/2015

Tags:   Y Borth Ceredigion Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс Gallas Walia เวลส์ adlewyrchiad islada adsked reflection faileas plaja hondartza tràigh beach traeth traezh traezhenn plage tiez taighean tai etxeak houses maisons aod kostalde coast côte arfordir seaside a’ Chuimrigh An Bhreatain Bheag

N 134 B 7.2K C 31 E Mar 27, 2012 F Jul 3, 2019
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Ur vorlenn hep roufennou


Double tranquility


Y Borth, Ceredigion


Wedi ei ailolygu / Adwelet a-nevez / Re-edited: 7/2019

Tags:   adlewyrchiad reflection adsked islada sarn chaoser causeway digger palwr jac codi baw JCB lorri lorry sammgarr sea môr mor mer itsas peace tranquility baretasun sioulder peoc'h hedd heddwch Ceredigion Borth y Borth sea defence morglawdd Wales Kembre a' Chumrigh faileas Gales Pays-de-Galles calm tawel tawelwch instantfave silhouette silwét cysgodlun ledskeud sgàil-riochd sgàil-dhealbh scáthchruth zilueta coucher du soleil zonsondergang dul faoi na gréine machlud auringonlasku kuzh-heol ilunsenti solpor tramonto Sonnenuntergang napnyugta sunset dol-fodha na grèine lhie ny greiney zachód słońca solnedgång

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aod y borth - ɥʇɹoq ʎ - poɐ / borth seaside - ǝpısɐǝs ɥʇɹoq

Tags:   traeth hondartza tràigh beach aod kostalde seaside traezh traezhenn plage y Borth Borth Ceredigion Hydref October 2011 Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс Gallas Walia เวลส์ tiez taighean tai etxeak houses maisons tywod sand gwlyb busti wet gleb

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Hinon miz Here / October Fair Weather - 2011


Y Borth, Ceredigion


Wedi ei ailolygu: 4/2016

Tags:   plage groyne breakwater morglawdd plaja hondartza tràigh beach traeth traezh traezhenn Borth Ceredigion haul eguzki heol grian sun soleil llanw lanv tide môr mor mer muir sea itsaso silhouette silwét landscape tirlun maezioù paisaje tírdhreach paisaia cruth-tìre

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Cynllun amddiffyn y glannau

Chwalu hen argorau


Raktres difenn an aodoù

Freuzañ ar freuzoù-tarzhioù kozh


Scéim cosaint in aghaidh na farraige

Briseadh na sean sconsaí


Coastal defence scheme

Smashing the old groynes


Y Borth, Ceredigion

Wedi ei ailolygu: 2/2018


Tags:   datblygu 2011 amddiffynfeydd morglawdd plaja hondartza tràigh beach traeth traezh traezhenn plage Borth Ceredigion haul eguzki heol grian sun soleil Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс Gallas Walia เวลส์
