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User / Rhisiart Hincks / Sets / Beddau / Bezioù / Hilobiak / Uaighean / Graves
Rhisiart Hincks / 184 items

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Gweinidog oedd Emrys ap Iwan (Robert Ambrose Jones). Cofir amdano heddiw, yn bennaf, fel gŵr a oedd yn sefyll yn gadarn dros y Gymraeg ac yn annog ei gydwladwyr i barchu eu hiaith, ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig. Odid nad efô oedd pennaf gwladgarwr Cymru yn y 19eg ganrif.

Gwrthwynebai ffasiwn ail hanner y 19eg ganrif o godi capeli Methodiataidd Saesneg mewn ardaloedd Cymraeg:

‘Os digwydd i fethdalwr ac anturiwr, a golchwraig ddyfod o Loegr i ardal Gymreig, O! Y fath gyffro a bâr hynny drwy’r gwersyll Methodistaidd!’

Heb ymofyn o gwbl a yw’r cyfryw bobl yn bwriadu trigo yn yr ardal, neu a oes ganddynt wynt at y Methodistiaid, gwneir brys i godi English Presbyterian Church iddynt, ac i gael English Presbyterian pastor arnynt...’

‘Y Llo Arall’, Y Faner, 1877

Anogai'r Cymry i dddysgu ysgrifennu Cymraeg glân drwy astudio teithi'r iaith a'i phriod-ddulliau, a mynnai mai'r Gymraeg oedd yr unig wrthglawdd rhwng y Cymry a didymdra.



Emrys ap Iwan a oa ministr gant ar vetodourien, met e anv a chom bev dre m'en doa stourmet evit ar c'hembraeg. Klask a rae kendrec'hiñ e genvroiz da zoujañ o yezh. Evitañ, hep ar c'hembraeg, ne vefe Kembre ebet.

Aspediñ a rae Kembreiz da chom hep sevel mui-oc'h-mui a demploù saoznek er c'hornioù ma veze komzet kembraeg ha pouezañ a rae warno da studiañ o yezh a-benn deskiñ he skrivañ, hag he c'homz, gwelloc'h.


Emrys ap Iwan pastorea zen. Gure hizkuntaren alde lan egiten zuen. Gales Herriiko hemeretzigarren mendearen abertzale nagusia zen, Ezinezkoa izango zela galestarra gabeko Gales Herria pensatzen zuen,


Emrys ap Iwan was a minister, a grammarian, an author and a campaigner for the Welsh language. He argued that the language was the only feature of Welsh culture which kept the Welsh people from annihilation.

He called on Welsh speakers to spend time reading and studying their language, so as to be able to write and speak it better.

He was particularly disturbed by the mad rush to build English Methodist chapels in Welsh-speaking areas, arguing that were people to move in they would not be too stupid to be able to learn Welsh:

‘If a defaulter and speculator and a washerwoman happen to come from England to a welsh area. O! What excitement that causes through the Methodist camp!

Without enquiring at all whether such people intend to dwell in the area, or whether they have an interest in Methodism, there is a rush to erect an English Presbyterian Church for them, and to find an English Presbyterian pastor to guide them...’

‘Y Llo Arall’, Y Faner, 1877



Wedi ei ailolygu / Adwelet a-nevez / Re-edited: 10/2015

Tags:   beddargraff maen-bez bezskrivadur gravestone grave inscription enskrivadur hilobi hobiharri hilarri stourmer ymgyrchydd Cymraeg galestar kembraeg gallois Welsh-language Welsh Emrys-ap-Iawn gramadegydd pregethwr ysgrifwr yezhadurour prezegenner skrivagner writer preacher grammarian idazle pastore pastor ministr gweinidog minister llenor llenyddiaeth literature awdur lennegezh scholar gouizieg jakintsu erudito ysgolhaig beddfaen Grabstein Rhewl Denbighshire Sir Ddinbych Cuimris galesera Cymru a' Chuimrigh Kembre Wales carreg fedd leac uaighe lápida pierre tombale a’ Chuimrigh Kembra Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag Pays-de-Galles Gales Herria

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Bedd y bardd D. Gwenallt Jones


Bez ar barzh D. Gwenallt Jones


The grave of the poet D. Gwenallt Jones


Mynwent Aberystwyth


Bered Aberystwyth


Aberystwyth Cemetery





Rhoddwyd llun newydd yn lle'r un gwreiddiol / Lakaet ez eus bet ul luc'hskeudenn nevez e-lec'h an hini gozh / A new photograph has been uploaded in place of the original: 1/2016

Tags:   bardd barzh olerkari poet journalist Aberystwyth mynwent kanponsantu hilerri bered grave hilobi bedd bez llechen slate maen-sklent arbel Gwenallt hilarri maen-bez beddfaen lápida Grabstein cemetery llenor llenyddiaeth literature writer awdur skrivagner lennegezh idazle bàrd scholar gouizieg jakintsu erudito ysgolhaig Cuimris kembraeg galesera gallois Cymraeg Welsh carreg fedd leac uaighe pierre tombale gravestone du a gwyn gwenn ha du dubh agus geal dubh agus bán zuri-beltz blanc i negre a’ Chuimrigh Kembra Wales Kembre Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag Pays-de-Galles Gales Herria D Gwenallt Jones Cymru

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New Radnor Gravestone


Wedi ei ailolygu: 9/2017

Tags:   croes kroaz croix cross gravestone maen-bez hilarri New-Radnor Maesyfed Powys Radnorshire Cymru Wales Kembre flourdilizenn fiordaliso fleur-de-lis fflŵr-dy-lis fleur-de-lys reilig cill churchyard carreg fedd beddfaen bered mynwent hilerri cladh graveyard grave bedd bez hilobi uaigh UE EU Ewrop Europe Eòrpa Europa an Eoraip a’ Chuimrigh Kembra Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс เวลส์ ويلز Uells Ουαλία iliav huntzadar iorwg eiddew ivy eidhean

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Bedd / The grave of Anjela Duval - Barzhez ha skrivangerez / Bardd ac awdures / Poet and writer


Cyfweliad teledu Ffangeg ag Anjela Duval / Pennad-kaoz e galleg gant Anjela Duval / Anjela Duval en français / Anjela Duval frantzesez:



safle gwe / lec'hienn / website / webgunea ; Anjela Duval: www.breizh.net/anjela/


Adwelet a-nevez / Wedi ei ailolygu / Re-edited: 3/2016

Tags:   stourm barzhez brezhoneg bretoiera Llydaweg bardd maen-bez gravestone inscription bezskrivadur Plouared Plouaret Treger Trégor Bretagne Llydaw Brittany olerkari poet Bretainia Breizh Breten Vyghan an Bhriotáin Armorica a' Bhreatainn Bheag Bretonio 布列塔尼 بريطانيا Bretagna Bretaña Bretanya Anjela Duval du a gwyn gwenn ha du dubh agus geal dubh agus bán zuri-beltz blanc i negre blanc et noir blanco y negro black and white اسود و ابيض، B&W fekete fehér melns un balts juoda ir balta negru și alb siyah ve beyaz črno in belo черное и белое чорний і білий Schwarz und Weiß zwart en wit musta ja valkoinen crno i belo Černá a bílá

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Carreg fedd Goronwy Pughe, mynwent Rehoboth, Corris


Rhan o englyn 'I'r Ci Defaid' yw'r cwpled:

Rhwydd gamwr hawdd ei gymell–i’r mynydd,
A’r mannau anghysbell;
Hel a didol diadell
Yw camp hwn yn y cwm pell.

Thomas Richards


A couplet from an englyn unodl union en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Englyn to 'The Sheep Dog' by Thomas Richards:

"Rounding up and sorting out a flock
Is his feat in the remote valley"


Wedi ei ailolygu: 5/2020

Tags:   Breatnais Cuimris marmar marbr marble marmor black and white du a gwyn a' Chuimrigh an Bhreatain Bheag cynghanedd mynwent bered maen-bez gravestone hilarri hobiharri barddoniaeth llenyddiaeth Corris Meirionnydd Gwynedd cymru Kembre Pays-de-Galles Wales adlewyrchiad reflection islada adsked englyn Cymraeg gallois Welsh galesera kembraeg Rhiwogof Tal-y-llyn
