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User / Rhisiart Hincks / Sets / Blaenau Ffestiniog (Meirionnydd, Gwynedd)
Rhisiart Hincks / 66 items

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Wedi ei ailolygu / Adwelet a-nevez / Re-edited: 3/2017

Tags:   bered hilerri mynwent cladh graveyard grave bedd bez hilobi uaigh mynyddoedd beanntan menezioù mendiak mountains Gwynedd Meirionnydd chwareli mengleuzioù quarries tirlun landscape Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles 威爾斯 威尔士 Велс Gallas llechi sglèat arbelaitz arbel mein-glas mein-sklent Schiefer ardoises slates wall maezioù paisaje tírdhreach paisaia cruth-tìre a’ Chuimrigh an Bhreatain Bheag Ewrop Europe EU UE montagnes gaeaf negu goañv gouañv hiver winter geamhradh Eòrpa an Eoraip

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Ar gloued ziwezhañ


An geata mu dheireadh


An geata deireanach


Azken atea


The last gate


Mynwent Bethania, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd


Bered Bethania


Cladh Bhethania


Reilig Bhethania


Bethaniako hilerria


Bethania graveyard


Wedi ei ailolygu: 10/2017

Tags:   houarn-goveliet Gwynedd Meirionnydd llidiart hesiate gât gate kloued clwyd rhwd mergl rust herdoil meirg Blaenau Ffestiniog Bethania bered hilerri mynwent cladh graveyard rouille burdina forjatu ovaná ocel hierro forjado kovácsolt vas ferro battuto haearn gyr wrought iron fer forgé Schmiedeeisen сварочное железо forĝita fero ate geata iarann saoirsithe iarann toinnte UE EU Ewrop Europe Eòrpa Europa an Eoraip a’ Chuimrigh Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс เวลส์ ويلز Uells Ουαλία Velsa Velsas Уельс Уэльс Уелс Walia ウェールズ 威爾士

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Eus bered bethania


Bho chladh Bhethania


Ó reilig Bhethania


From the burial ground at Bethania


Wedi ei ailolygu: 4/2018

Tags:   Blaenau Ffestiniog Bethania Meirionnydd Gwynedd beddau uaighean bezioù hilobiak graves bered hilerri mynwent cladh graveyard cemetery mynyddoedd beanntan menezioù mendiak mountains landscape tirlun maezioù paisaje tírdhreach paisaia cruth-tìre Уельс Уэльс Велс Уелс Walia ウェールズ 威爾士 UE EU Ewrop Europe Eòrpa Europa an Eoraip a’ Chuimrigh Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag ,landlandscape,

N 95 B 2.6K C 11 E Dec 28, 2011 F Aug 16, 2022
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Meirionnydd, Gwynedd - December


(Wedi ei ailolygu: 08/22)

Tags:   du a gwyn gwenn ha du Black & White zuri-beltz blanc et noir Blaenau Ffestiniog Gwynedd llechi sglèat arbelaitz arbel mein-glas mein-sklent Schiefer ardoises slates chwareli mengleuzioù quarries blanc i negre dubh agus geal dubh agus bán black and white b&w monochrome unlliw blanco y negro zwart-wit sort og hvid μαύρο και άσπρο fekete és fehér juoda ir balta landscape tirlun maezioù paisaje tírdhreach paisaia cruth-tìre slèibhte menezioù mendiak beanntan mynyddoedd bergen Berge mountains hegyek góry hory Ewrop Europe Eòrpa Europa an Eoraip a’ Chuimrigh Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag 威爾斯 威尔士 EU UE

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Blaenau Ffestiniog

Wedi ei ailolygu / Adwelet a-nevez / Ath-eagraithe / Re-edited: 5/2019

Tags:   Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс Gallas Walia เวลส์ Blaenau Ffestiniog Gwynedd Cymdeithas yr Iaith draig dragon aerouant herensuge dragoi deddf eiddo Ewrop Europe Plaid Cymru sticer sticker glynyn pegsun eranskin uinneag prenestr ffenestr ventana leiho rhwd mergl rust herdoil meirg Eòrpa an Eoraip finestra Fenster نافذة او شباك fuinneog window ablak langas logu fereastră 窗口 okno UE EU Europa a’ Chuimrigh An Bhreatain Bheag
