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User / Rhisiart Hincks / Sets / Yr Hen Goleg, Aberystwyth
Rhisiart Hincks / 120 items

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Kinkladurioù, ar Skol-Veur Gozh ▫️ Decorations, the Old College

Tags:   arkitektura architecture adeiladouriezh tisavouriezh ailtireachd pennserneth Gothic Revival nevezc’hotek Adfywiad Gothig Victorian Fictoraidd Ceredigion Yr Hen Goleg Old College universtaire university skol-veur unibertsitate oilthigh Aberystwyth Aberystwyth University Prifysgol Aberystwyth prifysgol a’ Chuimrigh Kembra Wales Cymru Kembre Gales Galles an Bhreatain Bheag Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс Gallas Walia Ewrop Europe EU UE tywodfaen greunvaen sandstone Eòrpa an Eoraip

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Ar Skol-Veur Gozh, Aberystwyth


An t-Seann Cholaisde, Aberystwyth


Old College, Aberystwyth


Gwnaethpwyd y paneli mosaïg hyn rhwng 1887 a 1888 gan C. F. A. Voysey.

Mae'r llanciau'n cynnig locomotif a llong, symbolau o dechnoleg, i'r patriarch, sydd yn ymdebygu i dduw yn y canol.

Gorfodwyd Voysey i gael gwared ar y pab penisel, a oedd i fod yn arwydd o ofergoeloaeth, oddi tan draed y prif ffigur.


Savet e voe ar marelladurioù-mañ etre 1887 ha 1888 gant C. F. A. Voysey.

Ar baotred yaouank a ginnig ur marc'h-du hag ul lestr, arouezioù eus an deknologiezh, d'ar patriark, hag eñ doueheñvel e kreiz.

Rediet e voe Voysey da lemel ar pab fallgalonet, a oa da vezañ un arouez eus ar brizhkredennoù, a-zindan treid an ozhac'h-meur.


These mosaic panels were made between 1887 and 1888 by C. F. A. Voysey.

The youths offer a locomotive and a ship, symbols of technology, to the god-like patriarch in the centre.

Voysey was made to remove the downcast pope, intended as a symbol of superstition, from under the feet of the main figure.

Tags:   Ewrop Europe Europa Kembra Wales Cymru a’ Chuimrigh Kembre Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс Gallas Walia เวลส์ ويلز Uells Ουαλία Velsa Velsas Уельс Уэльс Уелс ウェールズ 威爾士 Yr Hen Goleg Old College skol-veur unibertsitate university oilthigh Aberystwyth Aberystwyth University Prifysgol Aberystwyth prifysgol Ceredigion Seddon Gothic Revival Adfywiad Gothig Victorian Fictoraidd nevezc’hotek pensaernïaeth arkitektura architecture adeiladouriezh tisavouriezh ailtireachd pennserneth mosaic mosaïg marelladur Eòrpa an Eoraip

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Ar Skol-Veur Gozh / Old College, Aberystwyth

Tags:   du a gwyn gwenn ha du dubh agus geal dubh agus bán zuri-beltz czarno-białe blanc i negre blanc et noir blanco y negro black and white 黒と白 zwart en wit musta ja valkoinen crno i belo Černá a bílá Schwarz und Weiß اسود و ابيض، B&W fekete fehér melns un balts juoda ir balta negru și alb siyah ve beyaz črno in belo черное и белое чорний і білий Ewrop Europe Europa Kembra Wales Cymru a’ Chuimrigh Kembre Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag 威爾斯 威尔士 pensaernïaeth arkitektura architecture tisavouriezh ailtireachd pennserneth cysgod skeud dubhar shadow itzal ombre shade sombra cysgodion itzalak skeudoù shadows ombres dubharan oscuridad Eòrpa an Eoraip

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Tags:   du a gwyn gwenn ha du dubh agus geal dubh agus bán zuri-beltz czarno-białe blanc i negre blanc et noir blanco y negro black and white 黒と白 zwart en wit musta ja valkoinen crno i belo Černá a bílá Schwarz und Weiß اسود و ابيض، B&W fekete fehér melns un balts juoda ir balta negru și alb siyah ve beyaz črno in belo черное и белое чорний і білий Ewrop Europe Europa Kembra Wales Cymru a’ Chuimrigh Kembre Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag 威爾斯 威尔士 pensaernïaeth arkitektura architecture tisavouriezh ailtireachd pennserneth cysgod skeud dubhar shadow itzal ombre shade sombra cysgodion itzalak skeudoù shadows ombres dubharan oscuridad Eòrpa an Eoraip

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Ar Skol-Veur Gozh, Aberystwyth


An t-Seann Cholaisde, Aberystwyth


Ikastexe Zaharra, Aberystwyth


The Old College, Aberystwyth

Tags:   Ewrop Europe Europa Kembra Wales Cymru a’ Chuimrigh Kembre Gales Galles An Bhreatain Bheag 威爾斯 威尔士 Wallis Uels Kimrio Valbretland 웨일즈 Велс Gallas Walia เวลส์ ويلز Uells Ουαλία Velsa Velsas Уельс Уэльс Уелс ウェールズ 威爾士 du a gwyn gwenn ha du dubh agus geal dubh agus bán zuri-beltz czarno-białe blanc i negre blanc et noir blanco y negro black and white 黒と白 zwart en wit musta ja valkoinen crno i belo Černá a bílá Schwarz und Weiß اسود و ابيض، B&W fekete fehér melns un balts juoda ir balta negru și alb siyah ve beyaz črno in belo черное и белое чорний і білий pensaernïaeth arkitektura architecture tisavouriezh ailtireachd pennserneth Eòrpa an Eoraip
