The first School of the Arts was removed to New Park and replaced by a second building in 1910. The second building had accommodation for 600 people, also reading rooms, library and other conveniences. It was later used for travelling picture shows which used electric lights during performances. Permanent lights were provided by the Kyogle Dairy Company for the School of the Arts in 1916. Their plant also powered the first electric street light in Kyogle on the corner of the Main Street and Stratheden Street which was erected at the request of the Tourist Bureau in 1918. A 30 foot brick addition was commenced to the School of the Arts in 1920 and opened in 1922.
Unfortunately the School of Arts burnt down in the fire of 1931 and was replaced by the current Kyogle Memorial Institute in 1932, so named to perpetuate the School of the Arts and the Soldiers Memorial Club which had been located there. The Memorial Institute was sold to Kyogle Council in 1937 by the Institute members. The building included a picture theatre (with a projector), which was used for concerts during the war, fund raising for the Girl's Patriotic League, wrestling, boxing, dances and other events.
Source: New South Wales Heritage Register.
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