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User / Julian Barker / Sets / Nottinghamshire
Julian Barker / 325 items

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This was one of the rare occasions when I was hoping that the sun would not come out! Bluebells are far easier to photograph in overcast conditions as there is far less contrast between lit and shadow areas. Unfortunately the sun was out all morning except for this moment when it was partially obscured by clouds.

Tags:   Nottinghamshire Nottingham Rufford Country Park Bluebells Wood

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Attenborough Nature Reserve is local to where I live so if weather conditions are looking promising I often head down there. This particular afternoon was producing some heavy showers and interesting cloud formations.

Tags:   Attenborough Nature Reserve Nottingham Nottinghamshire storm clouds

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This was the first morning of the year when it felt like there was an autumnal nip in the air. I am not complaining though - this is my favourite time of year for landscapes.

Tags:   Attenborough nature Reserve Nottingham Nottinghamshire Dawn Sunrise Reflections Miiror Calm August Canon EOS Rebel XTI DSLR

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Serene reflections at Attenborough on a calm August morning.

Tags:   Attenborough nature Reserve Nottingham Nottinghamshire August Landscape Reflection Canon EOS Rebel XTi 400D

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The previous night's forecast suggested that there would be clear skies at sunrise before cloud moving in from the south west. This prediction proved to be correct and I was also blessed with an interesting sky. Luckily, Attenborough Nature Reserve is only a couple of miles from where I live so I have a great location for sunrises. I think the panoramic crop suits the cloud arrangement and reflection.

Tags:   Attenborough Nature Reserve Nottingham Sunrise Dawn Reflection Mirrored Symmetry Canon EOS Rebel XTi 400D
