The plane Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in, at the Air and Space Museum.
From our vacation in Washington DC, May 2004, after my 1st year in Seminary.
Tags: x-1 aircraft historic chuckyeager washingtondc usa capitol government museums
Our vacation in Washington DC, May 2004, after my 1st year in Seminary.
Tags: washingtondc usa capitol government museums
Our vacation in Washington DC, May 2004, after my 1st year in Seminary.
Tags: washingtondc usa capitol government museums
Our vacation in Washington DC, May 2004, after my 1st year in Seminary.
Tags: washingtondc usa capitol government museums
Replica of the flag that would have inspired Francis Scott Key to write "The Star-Spangled Banner." Seen during our vacation in Washington DC, May 2004, after my 1st year in Seminary.
Tags: washingtondc usa capitol government museums