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Johnny El-Rady / 144 items

N 2 B 804 C 0 E Feb 6, 2023 F Feb 6, 2023
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Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) produced this extremely famous set of six watercolours of the Moon in its various phases "from life", as he observed the Earth's satellite through a telescope in the autumn of 1609. They represent the first realistic depiction of the Moon in history.

His observations, recorded and disseminated in his 1610 book Siderius Nuncius (Starry Messenger), transformed human understanding of the moon. While Renaissance science had inherited an ancient view of the moon as a perfectly spherical and unblemished orb, Galileo’s drawings revealed its surface to be more like that of our planet: rugged and uneven, marked by valleys, craters, and mountains.

Tags:   Astronomy planets sun moon Venus Mercury Earth Neptune Saturn Uranus asteroids meteor meteorite NASA Webb space science space science Rover Magellan globe marble black hole solar system Apollo eclipse zodiac astronomer mariner Galileo Galilei 1609 1610 mars martian astronaut bioknowlogy

N 1 B 532 C 0 E Feb 6, 2023 F Feb 6, 2023
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Important astronomical texts of the Renaissance started to include impressive illustrations. A fine example is the Regiomontanus Kalendarium of 1476 with depictions of the phases of a solar eclipse.

Tags:   Astronomy planets sun moon Venus Mercury Earth Neptune Saturn Uranus asteroids meteor meteorite NASA Webb space science space science Rover Magellan globe marble black hole solar system Apollo eclipse zodiac astronomer mariner Regiomontanus Kalendarium Regiomontanus Kalendarium 1476 Renaissance mars martian astronaut

N 7 B 954 C 0 E Feb 6, 2023 F Feb 6, 2023
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Georg von Peuerbach, (1421—1461), was an Austrian mathematician and astronomer instrumental in the European revival of the technical understanding of the astronomical ideas of Ptolemy (fl. c. ad 140) and the early use of sines in Europe.

Peuerbach’s best-known work, the Theoricae novae planetarum (1454; “New Theories of the Planets”), began as lectures to the Viennese “Citizens’ School” (Bürgerschule), which Regiomontanus copied in his notebook. An influential university textbook, the Theoricae novae planetarum eventually replaced the widely used, anonymous 13th-century Theorica planetarum communis (the common “Theory of the Planets”). By the late 17th century, this textbook had appeared in more than 50 Latin and vernacular editions and commentaries, while introducing such students as Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), Galileo Galilei (1564–1642), and Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) to an updated and simplified version of Ptolemy’s Almagest that gave a physical interpretation to its mathematical models.


Tags:   Theoricæ Nouæ Planetarum Georg Von Peurbach 1573 Georg von Peurbach| Joannes Regiomontanus basileae peurbach Astronomy planets sun moon Venus Mercury Earth Neptune Saturn Uranus asteroids meteor meteorite NASA Webb space science space science Rover Magellan globe marble black hole solar system Apollo eclipse zodiac astronomer mariner mars martian astronaut

N 1 B 546 C 0 E Feb 6, 2023 F Feb 6, 2023
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Tibetan astronomical Thangka, painted 1684 (11th rab byung, year shing-byi). The movement of the zodiacal signs and the planets.

Tags:   Astronomy planets sun moon Venus Mercury Earth Neptune Saturn Uranus asteroids meteor meteorite NASA Webb space science space science Rover Magellan globe marble black hole solar system Apollo eclipse zodiac astronomer mariner tibetan astronomical thangka tibet mars martian astronaut

N 2 B 599 C 0 E Feb 6, 2023 F Feb 6, 2023
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Calculation of solar and lunar eclipses from: Marvels of Creatures & Strange Things Existing, by al-Qazwini, 14th century

Tags:   Astronomy planets sun moon Venus Mercury Earth Neptune Saturn Uranus asteroids meteor meteorite NASA Webb space science space science Rover Magellan globe marble black hole solar system Apollo eclipse zodiac astronomer mariner Marvels of Creatures and Strange Things Existing al-Qazwini 14th century solar eclipse lunar eclipse mars martian astronaut
