Sägengatan, Backa, Göteborg
Pine grosbeak
Female (left) and male (right)
Vulnerable (VU) - Swedish Red List 2020
Meets one of the 5 red list criteria and thus considered to be at high risk of unnatural (human-caused) extinction without further human intervention (text from Wikipedia, CC BY-SA)
Swedish Red List 2020
Tags: rödlistad Red Listed Red List Sårbar Vulnerable VU Vulnerable (VU) bird birds fågel fåglar bird watching bird spotting fågelskådning göteborg november pine grosbeak Pinicola enucleator Tallbit Durbec des sapins grosbec des pins Hakengimpel camachuelo picogrueso نوکپهن کاجنشین
Erithacus rubecula - Robin - Rödhake
Tags: Erithacus rubecula robin rödhake European robin Rouge-gorge familier petirrojo europeo Rotkehlchen سینهسرخ اروپایی
Tags: Gunnebo gbgftw ladusvala swallow svala bird fågel bird on a wire
(Turdus pilaris)
Tags: Fieldfare björktrast Turdus Pilaris zorzal real باسترک دشتی Grive litorne Wacholderdrossel göteborg sweden
Ladusvala (Hirundo rustica). Fotad på lantgården vid Gunnebo slott i Mölndal.
Tags: Gunnebo gbgftw ladusvala swallow svala bird fågel bird on a wire Hirundo rustica