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User / Blue Mountains Library, Local Studies / Sets / Objects
9 items

N 2 B 8.9K C 5 E Jan 1, 1900 F Sep 15, 2013
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Notes: Cricklewood, London, N. W. Special sensitive ortho 2449.
Developers for Imperial Plates. Imperial Pyro-soda, Imperial Standard, Acid fixing solution.

Orthochromatic photography refers to a photographic emulsion that is sensitive to only blue and green light, and thus can be processed with a red safelight. The increased blue sensitivity causes blue objects to appear lighter, and red ones darker.

Format: object, glass photographic plate container, orthchromatic emulsion

Licensing: Attribution, share alike, creative commons.

Repository: Blue Mountains Library library.bmcc.nsw.gov.au

Part of: Local Studies Collection

Provenance: unknown

Date range: c.1900

Links: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthochromasia

Tags:   box container glass negatives developers photographic orthocromatic history

N 1 B 31.5K C 2 E Jan 27, 2015 F Jan 28, 2015
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Notes: Painted and carved timber, 173 cm H, 74 cm W.

The official unveiling of the Board was performed on Anzac Day 1921, in the grounds of the Springwood Public School.

Format: Colour digital photograph

Date Range: 1921

Licensing: Attribution, share alike, creative commons.

Repository: Blue Mountains City Library bmcc.ent.sirsidynix.net.au/client/en_AU/default/

Part of: Local Studies Collection

Provenance: John Merriman


Tags:   memorials honor roll Springwood World War One WWI Blue Mountains history

N 1 B 23.4K C 2 E Jan 1, 1918 F Apr 13, 2015
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Notes: Silk embroidered handkerchief, sent from France to his mother by L/Cpl Henry Paish, 4 Infantry Brigade, 7th Company AASC, Gallipoli, Egypt and France.

Format: scan

Date Range: Henry may have sent this while he was on leave in Paris in March 1918, before embarking from Le Harve for Australia in October.

Licensing: Attribution, share alike, creative commons

Repository: Blue Mountains City Library bmcc.ent.sirsidynix.net.au/client/en_AU/default/

Part of: Local Studies Collection - LS Images

Provenance: Donated by Lindsay Paish

Links: recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Gallery151/dist/J...

Tags:   First World War World War I souvenirs embroidery fabric history

N 3 B 4.1K C 3 E Jan 1, 1967 F May 24, 2017
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Notes: Presumably made by Blue Mountains Council in Katoomba for tourism promotion. Council had an active publicity officer in the 1960s and 70s.

The views of the Three Sisters on the left and Grose Valley on the right are geographically accurate. The three holes in the centre line show where it has been attached to a post.

Road distance to Darwin is 2,405 miles and Perth is 2,386 miles according to Google. Current distances may have differed from those in the 1960s.

How it got to Barrow Creek in 1967, see provenance below, is a mystery.

Format: metal painted sign, 2 ft x 1 ft (61 cm x 30.5 cm)

Date Range: prior to 1967

Location: located to the presumed place of manufacture, Katoomba, until a better location is discovered.

Licensing: Attribution, share alike, creative commons.

Repository: Blue Mountains City Library

Part of: Local Studies Collection - in the pool room

Provenance: picked up on the roadside at Barrow Creek in 1967, taken to Cairns and hung in a shed for 50 years until sent to Blue Mountains Council in May 2017.

Links: www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/distances.html?n=3349

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Notes: one of two Winsor & Newton, water colour boxes, used by Miss Isobel Bowden (1908-1986). The colour blocks are in china pans with the colour printed on the side and W & N England, impressed on the base. The large half pans are impressed Reeves School Quality, Made in England. It is shown open with the fold-out mixing tray in the lid and the internal cover open.

Miss Bowden used watercolour illustrate her plant studies, she had several plants named after her, including Blue Mountains Cliff Eyebright (Euphrasia bowdeniae).

Format: colour digital print, by JC Merriman

Object: 70mm x 125mm x 20mm when closed

Date Range: object date c. 1930s

Location: Miss Bowden lived in Fletcher St, within walking distance of Wentworth Falls and Valley of the Waters

Licensing: Attribution, share alike, creative commons. .

Repository: Blue Mountains City Library bmcc.ent.sirsidynix.net.au/client/en_AU/default/

Part of: Local Studies Collection - LS Images

Provenance: Bowden Archive


Tags:   paint box watercolour
