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User / bostankorkulugu / Sets / Poland
40 items

N 16 B 4.5K C 56 E May 30, 2009 F Jul 31, 2009
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It is the night of the full moon. Slowly the walkers amble in, seating themselves under the silent roots in quiet anticipation.
The moonlight walk tonight will be my first. The idea always gave me a warm feeling, but I have never managed to make it this far before.
Rising out of the inky blackness of the East, the moon shimmers from behind a hazy streak of clouds. Matrimandir in the foreground appears like a pin-cushion; the scaffolds sticking out like needles, like energy fields.
I shut my eyes; my ears tune in to the sounds around...

(Priya Sundaravalli)

...people walking out of Buddha Bar in Rynek Glowny, Stare Miasto...

Krakow, Poland...

Tags:   black white bw silhouette bostan bostanci bostankorkulugu korkut poland krakow malopolskie light moon fullmoon sepia rynek glowny stare miasto stare miasto rynek glowny brama polske people bar buddha bar monochrome tunnel lamp art reflection walk cracovia cracow krakoff polska

N 10 B 4.2K C 19 E May 31, 2009 F Oct 10, 2009
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My love must be a kind of blind love
I can't see anyone but you.

Are the stars out tonight?
I don't know if it's cloudy or bright
I only have eyes for you, dear.

The moon may be high
but I can't see a thing in the sky,
'Cause I only have eyes for you.

I don't know if we're in a garden,
or on a crowded avenue.

You are here
So am I
May be millions of people go by,
but they all disappear from view.
And I only have eyes for you...

(Al Dubin)

...taken at Rynek Glowny, the central grand square...

...the head without the eyes is “Eros Bendato” (Eros Bound) by the famous polish artist, Igor Mitoraj... (the big eye on the right is a part of the Krakow Film Festival billboard)...

Krakow, Poland...

Tags:   white statue staremiasto sepia rynek glowny sculpture rynek polske poland piazza monochrome mitoraj malopolskie eros bendato krakow krakoff korkut grain glowny girl eye cracow cracovia bw bostankorkulugu bostanci bostan blackandwhite black art alone polska

N 2 B 1.9K C 8 E Jun 1, 2009 F Oct 20, 2009
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The Black Madonna of Czestochowa (Czarna Madonna or Matka Boska Czestochowska in Polish) is a holy icon of the Virgin Mary, that is both Poland's holiest relic and one of the country's national symbols.
The origins of the icon and the date of its composition are still hotly contested among scholars. The difficulty in dating the icon stems from the fact that the original image was painted over after being badly damaged by Hussite raiders in 1430. Medieval restorers unfamiliar with the encaustic method found that the paints they applied to the damaged areas "simply sloughed off the image" according to the medieval chronicler Risinius, and their solution was to erase the original image and to repaint it on the original panel, which was believed to be holy because of its legendary origin as a table top from the home of the Holy Family. The painting displays a traditional composition well-known in the icons of Eastern Orthodoxy. The Virgin Mary is shown as the "Hodegetria" ("One Who Shows the Way"). In it the Virgin directs attention away from herself, gesturing toward Jesus as the source of salvation.
The Black Madonna is credited with miraculously saving the monastery of Jasna Góra from a 17th century Swedish invasion, which actually changed the course of the war. This event led King Jan Kazimierz to "crown" Our Lady of Czestochowa as Queen and Protector of Poland in the cathedral of Lwów on April 1, 1656.

...taken in front of a billboard on Jubilat, announcing the forthcoming Madonna concert in Warsaw...

Krakow, Poland...

Tags:   white walk silhouette polske poland monochrome malopolskie korkut krakow krakoff europe cracow cracovia bw bostankorkulugu blur black bostan blackandwhite bostanci blackwhite alone czarna madonna jubilat billboard polska

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blood and rust...
silence and shame...

...taken at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp...

Oswiecim, Poland...

Tags:   Auschwitz Auschwitz I Auschwitz Concentration Camp Concentration Camp Oświęcim Poland Krakow Konzentrationslager genocide holocaust hitler polske monochrome sepia toned rust sky lamp fence wire prison malopolskie korkut europe bostankorkulugu black bostan bostanci polska jew jewish

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As you travel through life there are always those times
when decisions just have to be made,
when the choices are hard and solutions seem scarce
and the rain seems to soak your parade!
There are some situations where all you can
do is to simply let go and move on,
gather courage together and choose a direction
that carries you toward a new dawn.
So keep putting one foot in front of the other
and taking your life day by day.
There's a brighter tomorrow that's just down the road.
Don't look back, you're not going that way!

(June Marie Johnson)

...taken at the Krakow Glowny - Central Station...

Krakow, Poland...

Tags:   krakow glowny central station krakow central station station train train station krakow poland suitcase man back window travel seat bench bank black white bw bostan bostanci bostankorkulugu korkut malopolskie light sepia stare miasto rynek glowny polske monochrome lamp cracovia cracow krakoff polska dworzec glowny jacket
