Size comparison with a Neptune Mini-Sub (Brickmaster Magazine special) and a 2007 Aqua Raiders Minifig.
The Aqua Raider wishes his team could've gotten to larger version of the Neptune Submarine instead of the Atlantis Expedition team.
Tags: lego atlantis
An image for my review of LEGO set number 5909 on Eurobricks.
Tags: lego lego adventurers
An image for my review of LEGO set number 5909 on Eurobricks.
Tags: lego lego adventurers
Size comparison with a Neptune Mini-Sub (Brickmaster Magazine special) and a 2007 Aqua Raiders Minifig.
The Aqua Raider wishes his team could've gotten to larger version of the Neptune Submarine instead of the Atlantis Expedition team.
Tags: lego atlantis
An image for my review of LEGO set number 5909 on Eurobricks.
Tags: lego lego adventurers