Available Now: "REFLECTION: Exploration of Self", limited edition box set book with signed print (only 100 available).
A decade of work. Thousands of edits. My entire adult life in images. I've spent so much of my time with my camera and Photoshop that I can't separate them from who I am. I explore myself through art. I know myself because of it. And now, one of my biggest dreams in all my life has come true. My first art book is available for pre-order. I can't believe I'm typing these words, on this incredible first day of this new decade. It's a book of my self-portraiture, a journey through the past decade of exploration.
"REFLECTION: Exploration of Self" box set is available for pre-order now, but the regular edition book (without box set and print) will be available for order in the coming months - wait for that announcement here!
P.S. This is also the 19 year anniversary of my grandmother's death. She was my best friend when I was young, and her death taught me to appreciate and find beauty in darkness. It feels like a beautiful tribute to share this book on this day, with a community who also embraces the beauty that all darkness holds, and who celebrates that space with me.