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User / brookeshaden
Brooke Shaden / 847 items

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"All you need is faith and trust... and a little bit of pixie dust!"

That quote perfectly describes my feelings about my first workshop yesterday. I was beyond excited to meet my group and see what everyone had to offer, and I was nervous too...that I would suddenly forget how to create an image! So I thought it only appropriate to do a Peter Pan picture :-)

It was an absolutely wonderful day from start to finish. I think that we all learned something, and we definitely all had a laugh at some of my odd techniques both in shooting and editing!! :-P I am bursting with excitement for the next one now!

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Tags:   brookeshaden peter pan one of my favorite movies pixie dust nighttime gown levitation trick wendy explore front page

N 941 B 125.4K C 54 E May 29, 2013 F May 29, 2013
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I only had 50mm lens while shooting and could only fit bits and pieces of him in this picture. So this ended up being about 20 different pictures put together to create his body and surroundings. A ladder might have been easier :P

Other fun shenanigans included buying pants for him that were several sizes too small and very clearly ignoring the sign that said "DO NOT SWIM". Such is life, and it's a great one :)

I'm headed to my hometown of Lancaster PA tomorrow morning, verrrrry early. I'm shooting my cousin's wedding (ahh the joys of having a photographer in the family...hehe...no no, it'll be fun!). I'm headed up to NYC right after to film my Framed Show which I'm super excited about! We're talking 7 days of intense filming morning til night. I cannot wait!!!

Model: Michael Schell (www.modelmayhem.com/2264309)

Tags:   brooke shaden fine art photography conceptual photography dark art conceptual art fine art water creek river pond lake umbrella prop man sailor sinking drifting floating nature wild roots man in water blue red antique timeless whimsical square format painterly

N 1.3K B 147.2K C 108 E May 16, 2013 F May 22, 2013
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Wow! I can't believe I am actually posting a finished product from my creativeLIVE course...it feels unreal since I've spent the last few months planning and now I have images to show for it!

A blog post with most of the images from the class, except for the "elaborate setups" which I'm saving for a bit later, as well as before/after images.


THANK YOU so much, from the bottom of my heart, for the support again. I know I've already said it, but I swear my insides are still fluttering.

Model: Kika at creativeLIVE

Tags:   brooke shaden brooke shaden photography fine art photography conceptual photography whimsical photography fairytale photography dark art kiddie pool milky water girl woman birth rebirth mud burlap tulle fabric water creativeLIVE workshop education teaching behind the scenes before/after

N 402 B 90.5K C 55 E Mar 31, 2013 F Apr 4, 2013
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A new picture inspired by my love of creating characters that are "off", "Alice in Wonderland" inspired, and twisted. A queen of the forest she once was, but times are changing, and she no longer has control.

To read more about the adventure of creating this picture, and to see lots more pics - my blog: shadenproductions.com/blog/2013/04/04/creating-to-be-the-...

New London workshops announced :) brookeshaden.com/workshops/

Tags:   Select brooke shaden conceptual photography fine art photography character woods forest burlap flowers wire moss blood fairytale crown princess queen texture #shadentextures distorted altered reality

N 1.1K B 123.6K C 89 E Mar 11, 2013 F Mar 14, 2013
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Oh what a week I've had so far...I got to see my amazing friends in Las Vegas...I can't even name them all, it was that incredible...I got to speak at WPPI and was very honored to do so. I did a live shoot demo as well.

I shot this image in my local sewer...my favorite place to shoot! It gives a naturally dark and amazing backdrop with beautiful natural light, which I adore. More updates soon...I'm feeling really excited about things to come...just feeling optimistic I suppose! I'm off to visit streams today and get caught up in the magic of Flickr.

New London workshop dates announced! :) brookeshaden.com/workshops/

Tags:   brookeshaden brooke shaden photography wppi underwater red red fabric billow wind bubbles water flower bloom silence drown
