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User / brookeshaden
Brooke Shaden / 847 items

N 442 B 87.4K C 31 E Oct 19, 2012 F Oct 23, 2012
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I am excited to introduce a new series, 1 of 2 that I will be working on over the next year, called "Fears & Fairytales". To read more about the series and this picture, including a huge amount of BTS photos from making the prop to making the photo...


The blog post says most everything that I wanted to say about this picture, so I'll add only a little bit - Shooting in San Francisco, where I shot this pic, is so amazing. The fog is outstanding, the weather isn't too cold (though I was kind of frigid...) and it was so desolate despite being in a big city. I need to make more trips up there for shooting. In fact, I am already planning another trip now that I am very excited for...can't wait to make *that* character come to life!


Tags:   fine art photography conceptual photography fears and fairytales the fear of falling falling cliff ocean rocks wings butterfly fog clouds waves

N 808 B 157.5K C 32 E Jan 5, 2014 F Jan 31, 2014
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I shot this image as the second of 2 images, the first of which I'll be sharing on Monday along with my weekly video. I was so inspired by the location and the colors (which of course I changed later, hah!), and I wanted to do something simple yet rich with story. Who knows if anyone else sees what was in my mind, but I saw a girl fallen, perhaps being dragged by someone standing behind the camera, rope leading to a mystery.

Model: Jen Brook

Tags:   brooke shaden fine art photography brookeshaden mystery novel book cover conceptual photography storytelling beach stranded rope captured fallen bed sheet as dress green moss rugged promoting passion jen brook

N 666 B 65.6K C 127 E Feb 12, 2011 F Feb 13, 2011
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I am so excited to share this image..I shot it yesterday and did a behind the scenes video for it, which you can see here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LchG62vtGXc
I hope you enjoy the behind the scenes! The camera died for most of the shooting portion unfortunately, but you get the idea :-P

My inspiration came from two places. The incredible Jamie Baldridge inspired me a ton for this. Also, I did a photo called "Fetus" a while ago and I was inspired to do an inverted version of that, where everything was right-side-up :)

Today I'm going to shoot with a 5 foot long snake! So excited!! :-D

Assistance from Kathrine Stapleton <3

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Tags:   brookeshaden fairytale water fish tank trapped blue texture by les brumes

N 493 B 59.5K C 91 E Jan 5, 2011 F Jan 6, 2011
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I have a little bitty obsession with apples. I love relating fruit to the human form. I was especially thrilled when we got to shooting this that the model here, Christopher, had freckles that mimicked the shape of the apples so well. I had fun enhancing them, tehe!....ahhh, wonderful surprises!

Here is a behind the scenes video of this shoot...sort of bad quality, an impromptu thing as we were there to shoot/film a different photoshoot, which i'll be posting the result of later!

Model: Christopher John Hills V

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Tags:   brookeshaden apples fruit woods male spine freckles floating levitation trick sticks alone day 6

N 763 B 112.8K C 39 E Jan 1, 2015 F Jan 1, 2015
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As we all move into a new season of life let us bring along what we have learned and leave behind what holds us back. Time is not a burden but a gift.

I am eternally grateful to be experiencing this new year and have so much love for the future. I'm up to many new endeavors and can't wait to share! In a couple of days I'll be announcing two new artist retreats in France and Italy. This year I'll be embarking on new writing projects, hosting a convention, making tons of new images, and creating a documentary.

Life is as full of as much wonder as our imagination can muster. Let this be the year that we all experience magic.

Tags:   brooke shaden fine art photography conceptual photography fairytale photography self portrait clock time new year snow nature dark art storytelling white dress bare feet walking snowing motivation inspiration
