I've been extremely grateful for any word anyone has written me since I started flickr.
Because of that I am doing a FREE PRINT GIVEAWAY :)
If you're interested, let me know in a comment (flickrmail is too slow, bah)
Prints will be 8X8, and I will let the winner know which photos are available.
Contest closed! :)
Tags: brookeshaden self portrait storm feathers float fly blizzard angel fall texture by les brumes
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Inspired by
I've got that Picasso print hanging on my wall and I've always wanted to put myself in that painting.
texture, though it is pretty unrecognizable after my toying with it.
Tags: brookeshaden neglected figure self portrait picasso inspired ketchup texture painting girl woman
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I think it is hard to look at this and not know what inspired it...though really it was more a recreation of The Death of Marat by David :-)
I've heard the sentiment that there is too much levitation flying around flickr (pun intended) and I agreed in some respect, so I did a 180 and dove straight into one of my passions - recreating classic paintings.
I posted a little "making-of" photo and this final photo on twitter before anywhere else. I surprisingly love twitter!
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Tags: brookeshaden selfie marat death david fabric rich feather paper bandage bathtub there is nothing that I hate more than sitting in a bathtub....I mean....gross! A very, very slight and altered texture by Les Brumes I love about the painting that it seems to be a staged murder...so I wanted everything to look just in the right place, though because of that fact seem oddly off explore front page
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blog for inspiration, which was drawn from the very talented Rossina Bossio.
Tags: brookeshaden rossina bossio depth perception painting brushstroke red cloak water woods textures by les brumes :) thank you Kate, over and over and over, for sewing this cloak and putting up with me and thank you Olivia, for splattering mud all over your body and face I never knew that the clone stamp tool could come in so handy LittleRedRidingHood
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blog to see the painting that this was inspired by.
I've been on a search for feathers for about 2 weeks now, and yesterday my friend found a store that pretty much only sells feathers. The name of the store was, of all things, "Mother Pluckers Feather Co."
Let us pause a moment to giggle at that :)
**If anyone has a favorite painting that they would like to see recreated, flickrmail me or leave a comment! I'm looking for more inspiration to further this project of reinterpreting paintings in photo form**
Tags: brookeshaden bird death dinner feathers wing flour painting
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