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User / brookeshaden / Sets / Underwater
Brooke Shaden / 19 items

N 577 B 155.5K C 21 E Mar 28, 2014 F Apr 7, 2014
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So thrilled to release this underwater photo and new Promoting Passion video all about my top tips for shooting underwater...and you might be surprised to see the gear I'm using, too! Shooting underwater doesn't have to be a lot of labor or a lot of money. I hope this video helps!


All opinions in this blog are simply from personal experience and I hope that you can use some of these tips for your own underwater adventures!

Model: Kyna Lian

N 804 B 112.9K C 37 E May 21, 2013 F Jun 14, 2013
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An image from a recent underwater shoot that I forgot to post sooner! I loved her expression because for me it felt as though she was more comfortable under the water than above...a feeling that I wish I knew :)

N 844 B 108.9K C 90 E Nov 2, 2012 F Nov 12, 2012
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This image has been my recent obsession, at least for the last month. I have brainstormed extensively about the concept and the execution. I have daydreamed about it when I should be working on business, and dreamed about it at night as well. I have taught myself many new techniques in editing to finish it up, and had to teach myself to have better patience as well. It took a long time to finish, and for that I am grateful. I am learning how special it is to spend real time and effort on something and in the end, feel even more connected to the final outcome.

Here is a blog post about the picture that details my whole creative process.

I've just returned back from Dubai after 26 hours of travel, and I am fairly wiped out, so it was nice to have this picture to share upon returning. I think I'm going to keep a low profile today for my first day back and rest as much as possible for a busy week ahead. I travel to Pennsylvania next week so I have to make sure my ducks are in a row before then :)

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Tags:   fine art photography conceptual photography surrealism whimsical fairytale boat ship floating flying clouds storm drowning rescue saved rope ocean water underwater photography brooke shaden

N 1.0K B 128.8K C 118 E Sep 24, 2011 F Jun 6, 2012
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This is from a second batch of pictures I released from the shoot I did for True Blood, which you can see here: shadenproductions.com/blog/2012/06/05/true-blood-spec-sho...


Models: Katie Johnson & Christopher John Hills V

Tags:   underwater photography True Blood HBO spec shoot advertising fine art photography blood darkness vampires sexual tension brooke shaden texture by les brumes

N 596 B 111.5K C 58 E Sep 24, 2011 F Jun 3, 2012
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I shot this picture as part of a spec shoot for True Blood where producers pitched a series of 12 underwater images to land a gig doing advertising for the show. I was just told I am allowed to release the images, so I put some of them up in a blog post :-D The shoot was based around a previous shoot I had done in this same pool with red fabric. I wanted the fabric to be reminiscent of blood, and so I heavily desaturated all that was not fabric in order to give it a grittier feeling. I would love to play with more compositions like this, shooting from a little further back than I normally do, playing up the negative space.

Model: Katie Johnson

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Tags:   Select underwater photography True Blood fine art photography brooke shaden spec shoot whimsical blood red red fabric swimming propeller texture by les brumes
