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User / brookeshaden / Sets / Fourth Wall
Brooke Shaden / 8 items

N 254 B 51.1K C 11 E Jan 31, 2017 F Jan 31, 2017
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This was the first image I photographed from my new series and one of my favorites in the end. From 60+ hours of "yarning" the room, to being laughed at when I tried to buy lumber, to rolling back and forth between "I can do this!" and "I deserve to be laughed at"...this was a labor of love in every sense of the meaning.


I will never forget the work that went into this image, what it symbolizes for me, and seeing this new body of work come to fruition after dreaming about it for 4 months. I hope you enjoy this very in-depth blog post about the making of this image, "Undone", photographed January 2016.


You can see this image and the others in the series on display at the JoAnne Artman Gallery in New York City until February 18th.

Model is my up-for-anything sister-in-law, Steph Pez.

Tags:   brooke shaden fine art photography conceptual photography nd photographer of the year nd series of the year undone yarn red thread red room fourth wall joanne artman gallery

N 346 B 53.1K C 11 E Feb 15, 2017 F Feb 15, 2017
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My new series, Fourth Wall, represents a personal journey. For me, it was a full year of exploration, doubt, excitement and newness. For each image I couldn't quite grasp the sense that it was coming together. For each image I doubted if there should be more or less in the frame, if anyone would care about them when I finished, and I was excited at simply doing something out of my comfort zone. I loved creating it. I loved every back-breaking hour spent curled on the floor laying yarn down, or trying to crack eggs out of plaster, or gathering sticks in the backyards of people I didn't know (and subsequently getting out as fast as possible). I loved looking at the evolving images for days/weeks/months, adding and taking away from the creation. And I love sharing them with you.


Tags:   brooke shaden fine art photography conceptual art sticks nest bird fallen remain self portrait

N 340 B 62.6K C 12 E Feb 16, 2017 F Feb 16, 2017
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To have the key you so long for yet not know where to put it. To feel ready to fly but trapped by what is knowable and comforting.

This image was the only heavily edited picture in my new series, Fourth Wall. Because I couldn't afford so many keys, I used five and transformed them into 4,000.

Tags:   fine art photography conceptual photography fine art series self portrait keys trapped room locked fourth wall

N 284 B 51.9K C 7 E Feb 14, 2017 F Feb 14, 2017
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How would you create if you were going to share your soul with your audience? I've often found myself too boring in the past to create from such a personal place. I realize now that our lives are intricate and powerful and if we get to know ourselves deeply, we can create from that place meaningfully. This image is a very personal one for me, and one of my favorites in the new series. Created by dipping small balloons in plaster and popping them once they dried to look like eggshells, I made this a self-portrait (wearing a bald cap, no less!) and even printed it twice to display at my exhibition. I hope this one resonates <3


On display at the JoAnne Artman Gallery in NYC.

Tags:   fine art series fine art photography conceptual art conceptual art series fourth wall 4th wall joanne artman gallery brooke shaden eggshells self portrait

N 121 B 42.0K C 1 E Feb 13, 2017 F Feb 13, 2017
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I got to pour thick, sticky syrup all over my friend and the floor, and the best part was that there was no one there to yell at me! I love being a childlike adult and finding the same magic that I did as a kid in playing with goop and making a mess. In this case, the "goop" served as a thick substance that my character could be enveloped by yet coming out of. For me, it was about a girl coming out of the darkness - a rebirth - so that she could be born anew. What is the messiest thing you have done for art?


"Unformed" is part of my series "Fourth Wall", on display at the JoAnne Artman Gallery in NYC until February 18th.

Model: Kyna Lian

Tags:   brooke shaden fine art photography fine art series conceptual art series
