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User / Foothills Rambler / Art for Art's Sake
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The inside view of the Oregon Creek Bridge built in 1860. It is also known as Freeman's Crossing. The bridge itself may be old but the grafitti comes from newer times where some people have an inveterate need to memorialize their existence for the rest of the world to behold and in the process deface some pretty amazing stuff. Oh well, I remember reading about one of Rodin's statues that was dropped during shipment to New York losing some critical pieces in the process. Rodin's response was amazingly nonchalant. He had the ultimate "art for art's sake" perspective--an art piece is a living thing so whatever happens to it during it's life is the way it should be. I guess if Rodin could let go of one of his masterpieces so easily than I shouldn't lose sleep over a couple cans of spray paint.

A full and rewarding graffiti experience can be had on black. Actually, I don't bemoan all graffiti. I have seen some fantastic artwork out there. But I wouldn't include the work on the inside of this bridge as representative of the higher art form.

Sierra County, CA
  • Views: 1138
  • Comments: 30
  • Favorites: 14
  • Taken: Sep 6, 2012
  • Uploaded: Sep 10, 2012
  • Updated: Jun 21, 2013